The phone rang at midnight. I woke up and didn't really think too much about it until I realised what time it was. Ryland was out of his bed (which was where I had fallen asleep), meaning he had went to get it. I was too tired to stay awake and worry, it was probably the band not remembering that there was a time difference. After I had sorted out in my head that it was nothing, I fell back asleep.

"Ro, get up. C'mon we need to go!" someone whispered desperately, shaking me awake. I opened my eyes. The someone was Ryland. I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"What?" I asked, confused. I assumed it was morning until I realised it wasn't.  It was 12.30 am. Why did he need me awake? Where were we going?

"Just c'mon. I'll explain when we get there. I just-- I can't tell you now. Pack some clothes." I climbed out of the bed and slumped to my room. "Hurry!" Ryland added. I picked up the pace and tried to pack some clothes in the dark. I didn't know how much to pack or even what I was packing, so I basically threw all the clothes I actually wore (summer and winter) into a suitcase. I brought it into Ry's room. He was already packed and dressed. I looked down at my fuzzy pyjama pants and t-shirt.  

"Should I get dressed, too?" I asked. Ryland shook his head.

"No, we need to leave now," he told me, taking my suitcase and rushing out the door. I followed close behind. He was basically sprinting down the hall. I noticed that Momma and Dad's bedroom door was still closed, the way they keep it when they are asleep.

"Wait, Ry, what about Momma and Daddy?" I asked.

"It's fine, they're meeting us in the morning."

"Kay," I told him, trying to look okay but inside, I was freaking out. What was going on? Why were are suitcases packed? Why wouldn't he tell us where we were going? Why were we leaving so late? And why weren't Momma and Daddy coming? Something was up. Couldn't he just tell me? We made it downstairs and Ryland put the bags down in the foyer. It was pouring rain.

"Wait here, I don't want you to get too wet. I'll put the bags in the car." I nodded. I really didn't like the idea of leaving with him in the middle of the night in pouring rain, but what other choice did I have?

Ryland picked up my bags and his before carrying them out the front door. I stood watching in my pyjamas. I lost sight of him within seconds, the rain and darkness fogging my vision. He came back in a little while later, soaked.

"I started the car, everything's ready. C'mon. We need to leave."

"I-- I don't like this," I told him.

"Rosannah! Now! We don't have time!" He picked me up and ran with me out the door. The rain smacked me with enormous force as we sprinted towards the car, the headlights showing us where to go. Ry opened the door and practically threw me in. Inside, the car was warm, a difference from the freezing and wet outside. I shivered as I put on my seatbelt. Ryland climbed in next to me in the driver's seat.

"Please tell me where we're going!" I begged. "I'm scared. Do Mom and Dad know we left?"

"They'll know in the morning. We have a plan and they'll meet us. I promise, it'll be okay. I can't tell you, though. You'll see when we get there."

"When will we be there?" I asked. He sighed.

"I don't know, Zee. When we get there, alright?" I swallowed hard.

"Yeah," I muttered quietly. I put my head against the cool glass, still not over the sickness from the day before. I was really worried, and a head/stomach ache didn't help too much.

12.50 am

We turned onto the highway. I followed every passing light with my eyes, trying to give myself something to focus on to calm my nerves. Nothing was working. The car ride had been silent and I hadn't moved from my previous position, my head on the window, except I had brought my legs onto the seat. I was curled up in a ball, trying to stay awake and do something. Couldn't Ry see I didn't want to be there? We had already been driving for 10 minutes. It doesn't seem like a long time but it was. Time slows down when you're nervous.

1.30 am

We were still driving. It was almost an hour into the unusual trip when we turned off of an exit. The signs said something but I couldn't see it. We turned into a parking lot. I was half asleep and didn't want to get out of the car, but Ryland seemed to be in a rush and a bad mood, so I obeyed. Where were we?



Sorry it's so short! The next chapter will be up soon though! Happy Easter, if you celebrate it! (I don't) Thanks for reading!


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