Island Of Misfit Toys

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The "island of misfit toys" is a band of teens (17+) that live under a bridge in their own little clique.
(Insta-@/addct.jpg made during roleplay)

Liliana Rosary Vith:-Age: 19-22•-Sexuality: Homosexual•-Family:Austin Vith (twin brother)Vivian Vith (mother)Jesse Vith (sister, deceased)Walter Vith (father, deceased)•-Model: Halsey•-Lyrics: "I don't care if I survive, crash into me one more tim...

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Liliana Rosary Vith:
-Age: 19-22

-Sexuality: Homosexual

Austin Vith (twin brother)
Vivian Vith (mother)
Jesse Vith (sister, deceased)
Walter Vith (father, deceased)

-Model: Halsey

-Lyrics: "I don't care if I survive, crash into me one more time!"
(Force of Nature)

-Heart Holder: Victoria Chase (determinant)

Severe Depression
Smoking addict
Occasionally Suicidal

Reason (for running):
Aunt Lydia kicked her out

Unforgiving, Cold, Distant, Protective, Hot Headed, Virtuoso. Hopes to be a musician.
Note: Ana lived with her aunt and cousins got two years after she came out, her mother kicked her out, that's where she found the bridge, and her aunt offered to take her in and try and 'fix her'.
Austin Joshua Adams

-Age:19-22•-Sexuality: Bisexual•-Family:Liliana Vith (twin sister)Vivian Vith (mother)Jesse Vith (sister, deceased)Walter Vith: (father, deceased)•-Model: Joshua Dun•-Lyrics:"I'm Fairly Local, I've Been Around, I've seen the Streets, you're walkin...

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-Sexuality: Bisexual

Liliana Vith (twin sister)
Vivian Vith (mother)
Jesse Vith (sister, deceased)
Walter Vith: (father, deceased)

-Model: Joshua Dun

"I'm Fairly Local, I've Been Around, I've seen the Streets, you're walkin' down!"
(Fairly Local)

-Heart Holder: Zayden (deceased)

Heroin Addiction

-Reason for Running:
Ran away after leaving a rehabilitation center for the 2nd time.

Personality: Caring, Cold Hearted, Unforgiving, Doesn't Talk, Artistic. Hopes to be an artist
Fae Beverly Joseph:

-Age:17-22•-Sexuality:Heterosexual•-Family:Anthony Keezer (cousin)Martha Joseph (mother)Michael Joseph (father)•-Model:Alex (MDE)•-Lyrics:"Do You Feel Lonely? Misunderstood? I Can Feel it Too, Yeah it Surrounds You

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Anthony Keezer (cousin)
Martha Joseph (mother)
Michael Joseph (father)

Alex (MDE)

"Do You Feel Lonely? Misunderstood? I Can Feel it Too, Yeah it Surrounds You."

-Heart Holder:

Bipolar Disorder

-Reason for Running:
Parents were extremely Catholic, she's an athiest. She ran when they signed her up for a catholic school three states away.

Personality: Kind, Caring, Bubbly, Quiet (during depressive lows). Hopes to be a tattoo artist.
Anthony Michael Keezer

-Age: 20-23•-Sexuality: Pansexual•-Family:Fae Joseph (cousin)Lillian Keezer (mother)Kyle Keezer (father)Jackson Keezer (younger brother)•-Model:Onision (Gregory Jackson)•-Lyrics:"Things have changed for me, and that's okay, I feel the same

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-Age: 20-23

-Sexuality: Pansexual

Fae Joseph (cousin)
Lillian Keezer (mother)
Kyle Keezer (father)
Jackson Keezer (younger brother)

Onision (Gregory Jackson)

"Things have changed for me, and that's okay, I feel the same. I'm on my way!"
(That Green Gentleman)

-Heart Holder:


-Reason for Running:
He ran with Fae to protect her. He also had a family that was too controling. It was a win win situation.

Happy, Protecting, Silly, Caring, Serious when he needs to be. Hopes to be a writer.
Ian Brooke Hotchkey:

-Age: 16-21•-Sexuality:Homosexual•-Family:Emily Hotchkey (mother)Emily Hotchkey (older sister)Unknown Father•-Model:AttackingTucans (Tyler)•-Lyrics:"Hold On, Hold On, Don't be Scared, You'll Never Change my Spin and Go

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-Age: 16-21


Emily Hotchkey (mother)
Emily Hotchkey (older sister)
Unknown Father

AttackingTucans (Tyler)

"Hold On, Hold On, Don't be Scared, You'll Never Change my Spin and Go. May you Smile...Shine On. Don't be Scared, You Destiny May keep You On."
(Stop Crying Your Heart Out)

-Heart Holder: None


-Reason for Running:
He is a college dropout, in fear of his family hating him he dashed.

Anxious, Cautious, Caring, Kind, Quite. Hopes to be a game designer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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