Chapter 6 Gemini?

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Gem's P.O.V

I sipped my blood tablet drink slowly as everyone continued there party activities. Some people danced and some talked in small groups. Yuki sat beside Kaname looking around at the other vampires, she blushed when Kaname turned toward her.

I felt my chest hurt a bit, but ignored it. "Shiki would you like to cut the cake?" I heard Takuma ask. He handed Shiki the knife and Shiki pulled it quickly, and cut Takuma's finger. "Oh... sorry." Shiki says and grabs his hand. "Don't waste it." He licked the blood off.

I stood up and went back into the mansion to control myself from the smell. "Kaname I'm sorry but I have to go." Yuki says and I looked out the window and saw Zero running through the night class. Yuki stood from Kaname and took off after him.

Hanabusa grabbed her arm and stopped her. I closed the curtain and ran upstairs to my room quickly.

Kaname's P.O.V

I watched Yuki run after Kiryu and Akatsuki came up to me. "Your just going to let her go like that?" I look at him and then to the porch railing. Gem wasn't there since she smelt the blood. "Yes, and I'm going inside to check on Gem." I stood and walked into the house and toward Gem's room.


A gunshot echoed through the house and I knew that the vampire hunter Toga Yagari was here. I walked to Gem's room and knocked on the door, "Gem can I come in?" I asked and heard her say yes. The door creaked open and she looked up at me from her bed, "Kaname I.." She looked at me with tears brimming her eyes, and I embrace her in a hug.

"I want to remember, Kaname. But it hurts to try to." She wimpers holding onto me. I ran my fingers through her silver and black hair, until she went to sleep.

(The next night )

The next day I walked through the gates to class. Gem walked in the back and watched Yuki holding back the girls. Yuki saw her and waved, being the nice person she is Gem waved back. Then continued to class.

I went to the headmasters first and then started to class. I saw Yuki in the hallway staring at the door. "I haven't seen Zero at all today Yuki." I say after hearing the conversation, and walk to the door. I go inside and walk past the teacher Toga Yagari, the vampire hunter. He glares at me as I walk by to my chair by the window.

"I'm Toga Yagari, and I will be your ethics teacher starting today. Before we start, hello vampires." He says and everyone's eyes flash their blood red color. "Yagari? That's the name of the best vampire hunter still working right now." Ruka says standing a few feet away from me. "So he's the source of last night's gunfire." Hanabusa looks at him. "Relax there's no need to worry, today I'm a fully qualified to be a legitimate teacher for this class."

"So you've come to spy on the night class have you?" Gem asks looking to Yagari. "Or the real reason is so you can try and kill one of us, Mr. Yagari?" I say and glare at him. "Well now Kaname Kuran, and Gem Kimiko. Unfortunately my list for execution is empty right now. But if either of you find my lecture boring and fall asleep, I may just add your name to it." He says and Gem smirks slightly.

"How dare you say that to Lord Kaname and Lady Gem!" Ruka jumps up angrily and shouts at him. Hanabusa stood and glared, "Ruka relax okay?" Akuski says calmly.

"I'll try not to, teacher." Gem says standing by her chair beside mine. "Hmph," Yagari looks toward her suspiciously. "Let's begin."

Before class is over

"So are there any questions?" Yagari asks, and noone says anything. "Well then that will be all, class dismissed." He says and picks up his book. He lifted the book to his face and a dagger pierced through it. "Well look a welcoming gift, I think I'll keep this to remember the time I'll be teaching vampires." He walks out of the room and closes the door.

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