Full Description

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Here is the full description, since it didn't fit in the cover of the book, don't really like any spoilers? Or just too lazy to read this? Then skip this part.


Laura struggled to stand strait. Her legs start to feel wobbly, and everything start to blur. "...Uh, guys?" She called to her friends. "I still get so creped out by those red eyes every night!"Salema exclaimed to Sandy,Afifa and Laura, oblivious that Laura said something, since she said it in such a low and quiet tone."Well looks like there is stalker who loves ya!"Afifa chuckled. Everyone laughs, except for Laura. Instead,they hear what sounds like sobbing. Everyone turns to look at their friend. Laura is on the ground to her knees, hands to her face. "Hey Laura, are you okay?" Sandy ask. "She seems different." Muttered Afifa. Salema placed a hand on her tall friends shoulder. "What happened?"She asked. The three of them were concerned of Laura's sudden mood swing. This normally did not happen. Laura put her hands down from her face, but she still kept her head low. "Look up!"Afifa commanded to her friend, not liking this uneasy atmosphere. Slowly, Laura did what she was told.The trio's eyes opened wide in fear."Laura, your eyes are bleeding!"

Laura was just a normal high school girl that goes to Rewstain High with her old friends from middle school. Well, semi normal anyway. She always daydreamed 24/7, always trying to crack a funny joke, acts like a mad women, is huge fan of Sonic the hedgehog, and, unlike most of the other people in school still believes in magic. The impossible. Laura was usually teased, and occasionally bullied by some off to the side jerk. According to everyone else in the school, she's a nerd. A geek. Teachers pet. A gullible stupid goody-goody two shoes girl. Though she didn't mind most of them, the last one ticked her the most. She hated being called gullible and a goody goody girl. Laura was as weird as they can come. Luckily she had her own weird, crazy, wacky(And occasionally overprotective) friends she can all be weird with. Just not as extreme as her in the magic and Sonic fan part. Though time to time her friends tease her a bit, careful not to go overboard, they mean it playfully, so Laura didn't mind. But all in all, despite all the bad stuff, Laura was happy with who she was. She used to be anyway.

Unknowingly, she accidently cursed herself, a long while ago in middle school. Now she has this weird mark on her arm. It looks like a yin and yang symbol. Laura never noticed it. In fact, she forgot all that happened that day after she thought that nothing was wrong. She hates wearing sleeveless shirts, and not to mention she always wears to wear that gray sweater, ever since 6th grade, so no one else can notice it either. Life continued as normal.


Darkness has awakened once more.

Laura has been recently been having this odd...out burst. A feeling of sadness, anger, fear, and darkness washes over her, and out of no where she falls to the ground and start crying...and when she does, a dark blue mist surrounds her. Laura knows she cant tell anyone. Not that they would believe her. She tries controlling these emotions, but later on just finds it harder and harder to hold it in. Laura starts to become more hostile, and so does the outburst, as her life become more stressful and harder to bear.

Laura feels the there is also a good side... somewhere deep in here, but she cant seem to get it out.  Darkness and evil start to swell in her head, body, blood, and heart. She doesn't want to become this way. She doesn't want her friends to think she is a... a monster... But once she lets the beast unleashed......

Is there a way of going back? 

Or is she stuck in this pool of darkness forever?


Thanks to ShutUpSalema for pointing out a typo error in the description.

 There are probably a lot of these -_- so please, if you catch one, even if its like a space bar miss between punctuation like "...Hi there.My name is...". Ya know something like that. Thanks!

The Yin And Yang Of OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora