The Glass Bowl

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       "Balthazar what are you doing with Lucifer's bowl?"

        "I'm hiding it, he has a problem and he needs to face it."

        "Idiot, he'll just buy a new one! He has a closet full."

        "That's why I took his credit card. Luci hates paying in cash. Something about being scared someone will hack his wallet." Castiel came rushing down stairs looking around frantically.

         "Has anyone seen my phone?" He shoved his hand in the couch sticking his tongue out slightly. Gabe shrugged.
         "Why do you need it?" Gabe crossed his arms and smirked. "Trying to text your boyfriend Garret?" Castiel's face went pale. "That's none of your buisness. Besides, you obvouisly know something, hand over the phone."

      Gabriel laughed and threw his hands in the air dramatcially. "Why ever would I, the great Gabe, do something as obnoxious as that?" Balthazar and Castiel spoke at the same time when they said, "Because you're you." Balthazar sighed and shook his head shoving multiple glass bowls in tall places Lucifer couldn't reach.

      "Whoever has it is probably has a good reason. What about that Dean guy? He practically worshiped my every movement! I'd choose him in a heartbeat over that Greg guy."

        "His name is Garret." Cas defended.

        "Greg smeg, that's not the point. I'm asking what happened to the boy?" Castiel sighed and sat on the stool in the kitchen. "Dean started dated someone."

         "What's his name." Balthazar frowned reaching for another bowl. "Get this, it's a girl named Meg." Gabe laughed. Balthazar dropped the glass bowl that echoed throughout the house and the fragments scattered all over the kitchen floor. "THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE. I READ HIS FUTURE..."

       Before anyone else could speak you could here tumbling footsteps heading down the stairs. Everyone directed their attention to the glaring boy at the stairs. If looks could kill, hell, you would of thought it was Lucifer himself at the end of the staircase. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH MY BABIES!"

       "Lucifer...we're trying to help you...we think," Gabe paused for a moment to sniffle, " you may have a problem dearest brother-"

Hit me baby one more time! Oh baby, baby-

       "Hello? Oh hey Dean......what do you mean it's not Dean.......Castiel's boy toy-" Castiel snatched the phone away from Lucifer.

        "Dude...we need to discuss your ringtone..." Balthazar said sweeping up what was left of the bowl.

        "Hey Garret......yeah yeah he was talking about Dean......that's the one!......NO HE WAS LYING......I SWEAR, I HAVEN'T EVEN SPOKEN TO DEAN IN WEEKS!.......yeah that'd be great......see you you too. Bye." Cas rapidly clicked the end call button. "Why would you tell Garret about Dean!?!"

       "What's a Garret and how does he know my number. Also, why isn't Dean calling you? I thought you were in love, I know I was." Castiel stomped his foot and grabbed his bag. "Garret is the guy I've been seeing for about 3 weeks now! Dean has a girlfriend!" Suddenly another glass bowl dropped. "STOP SAYING THAT IT'S NOT TRUEEEEEEE." Balthazar fell on the floor with the rest of the glass while Gabe held back Lucifer from picking up his "babies". Castiel put his hand on his head but stiffened when he heard the doorbell ring. "I guess I'll get it.

       What he wasn't expecting was to see Dean standing there. "Hey bud," Dean held up a familiar object in his hand," you left your phone in 5th period" He had a goofy smile on his face sticking his hand that was holding the phone towards Cas. "Oh, haha, I've been looking for this everywhere!"

      "IS THAT GARRET? SACRAFICE HIM TO LUCIFER BEFORE HE KILLS BALTHAZAR." Castiel faced palmed and stepped outside closing the door. Dean found it amusing, "You want a ride to school? We haven't talked in a while." Castiel's smile lit up, but soon faltered when he heard Garret's silver car approach. "What the hell kind of car is that?" Dean laughed. Castiel, however, didn't find it as amusing. "My boyfriends car, I asked him to give me a ride..." Dean's laughter stop almost too quickly as he stared at the car. "Wat..."

       Garret stepped out of the car and was obviously annoyed at Dean's presence. "Hey babe." Garret wrapped his arm around Cas and at the same time Dean's eyebrow raised. "Babe? How long have you two been dating where he's already calling you babe?" Castiel fiddled with his thumbs. "We actually started dating around the time you and Meg did." There was disgust and confusion in Dean's face. It made Garret even more mad. "WHAT? YOU CAN DATE, BUT CASTIEL CAN'T. HOW SELFISH OF YOU!" Castiel was expecting Dean to slap someone in the face for saying that. So he stepped on Garret's foot before he could say anything else idiotic. Instead, Dean was holding back tears and laughter while also still looking disgusted. "I'm not dating that bit-, I mean, nice lady..." Dean coughed. Castiel didn't hesitate to show his confusion. "What. Yes you are. I know for a fact." You could see all the color leaving his face. "My brother is dating her." You could see Dean's annoyance just saying the words aloud. Cas thought for a moment and recalled people saying, "Winchester is dating Meg." His face practically lit up like a fire. "So, you aren'"

      Garret looked at Castiel confused. "Yeah I guess he isn't." He clapped Dean on the shoulder, "Sorry man, you know, for being an asshole, but you don't have any business in our relationship-"

      "All this time you weren't dating anyone?!?" Both Garret and Dean looked up at Castiel to see the desperation in his eyes. Dean shrugged, "Honestly...I guess I thought we had something going on..." He scratched the back of his head as heat rose up on his neck. "You're just a pretty cool guy I guess." He laughed. Garret grabbed Castiel's hand and dragged him to the car looking back at Dean. "Anyway, this whole thing is going to make us late. We cleared up the misunderstanding and Castiel is not interested." But that wasn't true at all, the whole reason he started dating Garret was to try and get over the fact that DEAN wasn't interested. He loved the way Dean always made direct contact or gave him a nickname. He loved Dean. "You have no right to say that." Garret paused and let go of Castiel's hand. "What?" Castiel's crossed his arms and looked at Dean." You don't know if I'm interested or not." He grinned when seeing Dean's expression.

       "You know, I think I'll ride with Dean to school this time around."

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