Chapter 3

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"Harry?" I answer.

I hear Harry sniffle before answering, "This can't be happening!" he wails into the phone.

"What's...happening?" I ask.

"It''s Niall, he's seriously hurt! I-I couldn't stop the car! Please forgive me!" he screams between sobs.

"Wait...I'm I hearing you correctly? You, and Niall got in a car crash and Niall's hurt?" I ask, more concern in my voice. This could be Louis, I know he knows how to do a great impression of Harry and he loves to play tricks on me.

"Yes, we have to get help, but no one is out here! C'mon, please, we have to! He needs you!" He screams. I hear a moan in the background.

"Louis! This isn't funny! Stop playing games!" I scream at my phone.

"This isn't Louis," Harry says calmly.

"Prove it!" I scream

"Remember the last thing I said before we made love? I said that I loved you with all my heart." He responded. At that point, I knew this wasn't a joke. I started to scream 'call 911' while Harry was on the other line crying and telling Niall to stay with him. I ran over towards my parents room, they were both reading a book in bed. I jumped on their bed.

"Mom, dad! Let me borrow one of your phones!" I yell

"Hun, don't you have your own?" my dad asks not taking an eye off his book.

"Dad, this is life or death!! Harry and Niall got in a car crash and they need our help!" I yell. Both of my parents look up at me and study my face. I put my phone on speaker and they can clearly hear Harry yelling at Niall to stay with him and Niall just moaning saying it hurts. That's when my parents started freaking out and searching for their phones. My dad finally fished his out and gave it to me and I dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady on the other end asked.

"My boyfriend and his friend got in a car crash and one of them is seriously hurt!" I said.

"Okay sweetie, calm down, just tell me where the boys are," She said calmly.

"Harry, where are you guys?" I asked

"Erm, where are like a few blocks from the woods," Harry answered sniffling.

"A few blocks from the woods," I tell the lady.

"Okay," I hear her typing, "When did this happen?"

"About 10 minutes ago," I say looking at my phone.

"And what is your name sweetie?"

"My name is Allison Jones, the boys names are Harry Styles and Niall Horan," I reply.

"Okay, which one of them is hurt?" She asks typing faster

"Niall Horan," I respond

"Is he conscious? Have Harry check his pulse for me, okay?"

I switch back to my phone, "Harry check Niall's pulse, and is he conscious?" I hear some shuffles and movement before Harry comes back to the phone. "Yes he's conscious, but his pulse is not regular, neither is his breathing." Harry answers calmly.

"Yes he's conscious, but his breathing and heart beat are irregular," I come back with.

"Okay, we're almost done here, did they get a description of the suspect?" She asked.

"Oh," I chew on my lip a bit, "Harry was the one who crashed the car, but it was an accident, I swear!" I answer fast, my mom and dad are now looking at me with wide eyes, their books put down long ago.

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