The Fight Part Three

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Gajeel stepped up behind Jose and whispered something in his ear. The guild master laughed. "Perfect."

Gray scowled. He knew Gajeel was on his side, but in the heat of the moment it was hard to tell.

Jose grabbed Natsu's arm, roughly picking the pink haired man up. Natsu struggled, but Jose wasn't letting go. Switching grip, he pinched Natsu's face and brought it to his.

Gray screamed.  Natsu continued to struggle, but Jose whispered something in his ear. He went limp. Gray could almost see the fire in Natsu's eyes leave him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM?!" Jose smiled a creepy, sadistic smile.

"Nothing a gentleman wouldn't say." This phrase was followed by a rough grunt as Jose was knocked out. Again.

Gajeel nodded to the rest of Phantom Lord, and every member of Fairy Tail was let go. Gajeel began dragging Jose to the police station, too guilty to even address anyone. Things had gotten out of hand.

Gray scrambled over to Natsu, who was sputtering on the grass coughing up blood.

"What did he do to you?"

Natsu took his hand off his cheek, revealing scratch marks. "Knifes in his rings, the bastard! I'll get him back."

Gray took the man's hand, relieved that Natsu seemed okay. He pulled the man close, into a hug.

Natsu went red, before putting his arms around Gray. "I'm okay. He just called my mom a rude word. Nothing too bad."

Gray could tell he was lying, but didn't want to prod any further. "You could have taken him."

Natsu pried Gray's hands off of his back. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"

Gray smiled and landed a punch on Natsu's shoulder. "Yeah. Let's go!"

Erza stepped in between them, stopping the eminent fight. "Enough. Next rime is Gray's time to be hostage. It's settled, kiss and make up."

Gray flushed and stood up, eye to eye with Erza. "Yes, Erza." He pulled Natsu up and gave him a quick hug before walking home, narrowly avoiding cops.

When Gray finally got through his door and onto his couch, he sighed and face planted onto a pillow. No more running from cops. No more transphobic Jose. No more angst, thank goodness. Gray could finally relax.

He didn't even notice when Juvia snuck in and fell asleep making brownies.

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