Teen Love = ♡.♡ + ^_^

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☆ When i look at him and he looks back at me with his beautiful eyes and smiles,it pathetically make my day.

☆ Everytime I see your name come up on my phone , I smile and my heart starts to beat a little faster.

☆ The awkward moment when your crush asks you who your crush is. Our expression : * - *.... but what we say ," Umm, he is.... that's a secret".

☆ No matter how useless you think you are . You will be someone elses reason to smile.

☆ If you feel that you are lonely. Just look at the moon🌚there is someone in this world looking back at it. 0_0

☆ Relationships aren't perfect. Perfection means when you and I can go through anything ,but still stand strong together.

☆ Sometimes in life, you end up falling for that very guy whom you never expected to have feelings for.


Hey guys....
Thanks a ton for the votes and comments..
Hope so u guyzzz will enjoy the further updates too....


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