Welcome Home.

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2.1K are you guys sh*ting me?! I love you all so much I'm giving you all this very chill chapter since I'm listening to Ed Sheeran and it's raining and we have suspension of classes added to other suspension classes and our weekend so it's 7-day Weekend and 2-day School. Thank The Lord for monsoons. But stay safe for all those affected my the rain :)

My gift to you guys for 2.1K reads and for the long break till my Math PT STORY TIME BABY!

Ruby's P.O.V

We stayed in each others arms for about 5 minutes in complete silence but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a nice and comfortable one.

Someone knocked on the door causing us to disconnect from each others body warmth we were oh so comfortable in. "Ms. Stones?" Nurse Claudia said as she entered the room with our baby.

"Someone was hungry and here are your papers just sign them and you will be released in an hour, okay?" She said. "Yes, thank you for being a kind nurse and have a nice day." I said getting June from her hands and smiling at her.

Once Claudia left June immediately started crying tugging on my hospital gown. I chuckled at her need for food or milk.

I lifted my gown and it took June exactly .01 seconds to start drinking. Wow, I guess she really was hungry.

I heard a groan from behind me. When I realized that Calum was behind me I turned around hiding my bare chest from him.

"Can we continue cuddling since the nurse interrupted us." He said slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. "Later Calum. Can you sign the papers so I can leave this bloody place? Their food sucks." I said looking back down at June, still drinking me dry.

"Don't drink to much you'll get stomach ache and you will burp or vomit all over me or daddy." I said trying to pull her away from my breast. "Hey, she vomited on me last time, it's your turn." He said with his signature pout all girls including me go weak at the knees for.

I was finally able to pull June away from my breast and she immediately extended her arms to Calum. Again I feel used. He carried her and slowly rocked her back and fort.

He whispered something into her ear making her giggle. Why can't I have that relationship with June? Maybe in the future when she realizes that I went through hell for her she will give some respect and love.

Someone knocked at the door again and this time it was Dr.Callaham. "You guys can leave now since both of you seem to have a healthy heart rate and immune system. Please give me the papers." He said reaching his hand out for the papers on the table.

I reached for it but Calum was ahead of me and gave it to him juggling June in his other hand.


I changed to my regular clothes that Calum brought from home for me which happened to be a 5 Seconds Of Summer singlet and black skinnies, he even took the liberty to bring my undergarments which were my pair of Lacey blue lingerie, depend on Calum to bring this kind of underwear, typical Calum. We started packing my stuff from the hospital including June's baby things.

I was wheeled out of the hospital because I was too lazy to walk and plus I just gave birth so that's a valid excuse right?

I saw a black van roll up on the hospital driveway and the door was swung open to reveal Ashton, Luke and Michael.

"We are here to be your driver for the next 20 minutes to your house. Take it or leave it." Ashton asked. "If your driving then I'll pass, I don't want to end up in the hospital again." I said turning my back to hide my smile, I got sassier since I got pregnant.

I heard chuckled behind me and someone say "You just got burned." Which I think was Michael.

I turned around again to see smiles on everyones faces except for Ashton who had a straight and red face.

"Aww it's okay Ash, don't be such a Drama Queen and drive." I said as we climbed into the car Ashton in the drivers seat while Michael was in 'Shotgun'. Luke was on my right and Calum was in my left while June was on my lap.

It was a very music filled drive to my house that was consisted of everyone singing horridly to the random songs on the radio, well I was the only horrid singer while the boys sounded like angels, curse them for being so talented and famous for it.

"Here we are. That will be 1,000 dollars." Ashton said in a, if I say so myself 'Fail' American accent.

I handed him imaginary money and got out of the car with Calum behind me carrying a bag.

We thanked them for the ride and they drove away. We walked to the door and I unlocked it in a swift movement since I was still carrying a sleeping June.

We entered the house and Calum dropped the bag on the floor and plopped himself on the couch patting me spot next to him signaling for me o sit there. I sat next to him and layer my head on his shoulder.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked all of a sudden. "Sure let me just put June in her crib upstairs." I said standing up gong to the nursery with Calum right on my tail.

I opened the nursery room to he welcomed by a pink colored room with June written across the middle wall. There was a white crib with little floral designs on it and 2 beanbags on the left side and a small bookshelf filled with baby books and pictures of me and Calum together and when I was pregnant.

I set June down on her crib and ran to Calum hugging him and kissing him. We kissed for 2 minutes and I pulled away. "Did you do this?" I asked with tears flowing down. "I had some help but yes this was my idea for you so you would forgive me. Do you like it?" He asked. "Like it? Babe I love it." I said kissing him again.

"Welcome Home Rubs." He whispered against my lips.

Quote of the day!

"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of Love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness."

-Robert Muller


I post a chapter after this in about 5-10 minutes but if I don't that means my brother offed the wifi so I will be posting it in the morning or 11 hours from now :)

I hope you liked this long chapter, my eyes were dropping cause I'm sleepy and my eyes hurt from studying Math.

My eyebags are huge "Meet Prada and Gucci, my eyebags."

Have nice day!






-Jessie :$

Too Late (Calum Hood Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ