10th February 2014

18 1 3

Hey diary,

I have gotten my first homework task for the year, it's for English, we have to write about our thoughts and feelings on transferring into high school for the first time. I'm going to basically write what I wrote in this diary which was that I was nervous and excited to go. Hopefully, I can make it, at least, a page long. I'm going to start writing it after I finished writing this diary entry.

By the way, something great happened today! I spoke to the cute guy! I found out his name, it's Link. I can't believe we actually spoke, we talked about the HOTH organisation, this is how the conversation went:

Me: Hey I saw that you were at the HOTH organisation a couple of days ago.

Link: Yeah I was, I started last week.

Me: That's cool, would you like to meet up there so we don't have to do everything alone haha?

Link: Sure, I would like that aha.

Me: Cool, I will see you at the normal time then.

Link: Sure see you then

(Of course, I remembered this, I have a great memory haha)

I have to go and do the homework now, hopefully, I talk to you tomorrow.

Bye bye.

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