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The door opened and Stan walked in, his onyx gem shining from the light, holding a recently captured gem and spoke, "Wendy, I need you to bring this downstairs."

Wendy continued reading while pretending to reach for it, "I would but I can't." Stan sighed, "If only I could fire you." then turned to Dipper whose Labradorite gem sparkled a little. "Dipper, bring it down."

Dipper sighed knowing he can't change the man's mind and hesitantly took the captured gem. It wasn't that hard getting past the booby traps but it was challenge.

As he placed the gem into one of the shelves, a cold chill went up his spine. As if someone was watching him.

Dipper. Stop. Listen to me. No.

He clutched his head.

You will listen to me. No. Shut up. LISTEN TO ME.

Dipper's sight blurred. He swore when he almost bumped to a shelf.

Free me. Won't you be a dear and do it, Pine tree?

He approached a Black Diamond which was, shining and giving off an evil aura, isolated from the others which was located at the very back surrounded by lasers.

That's it. The voice said, encouraging him. Pop the Bubble encasing it.

And he did. The moment he did that, the gem floated and glowed. In it's place a blond man appeared. The man laughed maniacally but not loud for the people upstairs to hear.

He caressed Dipper's cheek. Before introducing himself, "The name's Bill Cipher but you'll be referring to me as master got it?" the boy nodded.

Bill then offered his hand to Dipper. "Shall we fuse?" Dipper, who was still under Bill's control, tried to stop himself from accepting it but failed. They started to waltz and glowed yellow when Bill dipped him, completing the fusion.

A psychotic laughter was heard. It was time to get revenge.

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Can't believe I actually wrote this! First time writing gem falls.

Thanking Bipperlove666 for encouraging me, an awkward 14 year old, to actually write this instead of giving it away.

Anyway, to those who are wondering why those are their gems, I'll explain.

Bill is Black Diamond because the result of my 'research' was that BLACK DIAMOND is thought to be the "The Stone of a Super Nova" - a large mass from an early star believed to have fallen to earth 3.8 Billion years ago, causing its fragmentation to be spread between South Africa and Brazil.

Bill is supposed to be very old right? Plus a Diamond is very powerful if you ask me.

Dipper would be Labradorite because... It said that a LABRADORITE is " The Stone of the Temple of Stars" which is said to carry positive galactic energies to our Earth. This highly mystical stone, brought "from the stars" to illuminate the further advancement of humanity. Spiritually, it strengthens faith and trust in the self. It stimulates mental acuity, heals stress, relieves menstrual tension and regulates the metabolism.

Remember his birthmark and his name? Stars. Yeah. I'm soooo creative.

And lastly, Gruncle Stan is an Onyx because it says that an ONYX is the "Stone of Old Memories". It is a secretive stone that holds memories of old injuries, helps to heal old griefs and sorrows. Onyx is used in "past-lives" work as well as in psychometry, telling of one's story thru it vibrational properties. It's healing properties help in re-framing and healing past traumas. Beneficial for teeth, bone, and bone marrow issues.

Remember how secretive he is? Remember Not What He Seems? Remember his past?

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