Fanfic For Giselle

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This is another fanfic for depressedmikey I'm so sorry I didn't make it sooner, I've been so caught up in everything and well yeah. Here you go

Gisselle's P.O.V.
I tap my foot, waiting for the clock to say 6:00, meaning, YAY I CAN GO HOME!!!!! I work at Starbucks, which should seem fun but... It's really not. I don't even want to get into details. I look at my watch. 6:00. "YES!" Did I say that out loud? Whatever. I start getting my stuff together, and then a really tall, handsome boy walks in. His eyes are gorgeous, his hair is perfectly blonde, okay, was he personally sculpted by God himself? Because it sure as hell seems like it. I straighten myself up. "Hello, sir, how may I help you today?" I ask confidently, giving him a smile. He looks up, um.... I mean down because I'm EXTREMELY SHORT.... And his eyes go wide. I raise my eyebrow. "Were you talking to me?"
"Well yeah, considering we are the only two people in here"
"AHHH right... Sorry... I'm just... Ugh... Anyways... I need 4 large pumpkin spice lattes, 6 cinnamon buns, and... That'll be it" he scratched his head. He seemed... Nervous. But why? I go to get his huge order ready, surprised a boy could eat and drink this much. "Oh um... If you are thinking it's all for me, it's not... It's for all my friends and stuff... I'm not a... Um..." I chuckled at his stuttering. "So, what's your name?" I always try to be nice to my customers by starting a conversation with them. "Luke. And how about you?"
"Damn. That name is beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you" was this guy flirting with me? Two can play at that game "Oh really? Luke is such a short name for such a tall hunk like you yourself" I put his drinks on the counter, then get the cinnamon buns and put them in a bag. "That'll be 18.60" he hands me a $20 dollar bill, and our hands touch and it was just like... MAGICAL UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS AND LIKE... Ahem what? So I get him his change, and he shoves it in his pocket. "Do you have any paper I could borrow?" I hand him a small piece of paper "And a pen?" I give him my pen. He writes something down quick, and hands it to me. I look at it, it's his number. I shove it in my jean pocket, trying so hard not to blush. Luke picks all of his stuff up, but keeps his eyes on me. He drops the bag, and says, "Sorry, I just get nervous around pretty girls" and with that, he was gone. Did that just happen?

HEY GISELLE! This story idea came from a good friend of mine, brashtons_child but I edited it to make it my own. But I couldn't publish it without mentioning her. Anyways, ENJOY!!!

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