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Clarke PoV
I was woken up buy the noise of Bellamy coughing in bed beside me . " babe are you okay " I whispered looking over to his side of the bed . He was burning up. He Rolled over and gave me a fake smile trying to hide that he was sick ." I'm not sick " he said sounding like he was 5 . " I'm a doctor babe, you can't fool me ". " you staying in bed today . "But Clarke " he tried to say before I cut him off . "But nothing " Bellamy . Just go back asleep i will get Maddie or octavia to check in on you . I have to go to work . He look at me then said with a smirk " can I have a kiss " . "fine " I kissed him And quickly left the room.

I walked into Maddies room . " hey mom should you not be in work now " I'm leaving now , you dad is sick will you or o look after him . " yeah sure " she replied. " if you need anything come to the infirmary cabin and get me. Okay bye sweetie . " bye mom .

Madison PoV
I walked in to the living room and sat on the couch. "Maddie " I here coming from my mom and dads room . I walk in " can I have some water " my dad said looking up to me standing at the door . Okay I walked out go him some water and I quickly returned and gave him the water . He was really sick coughing and vomiting . I walked out of the room I felt cold but hot . I went over to the ccouch and feel asleep . I woke up feeling sick , I must of got what ever my dad has . I stooped up and walked over to the kitchen. I went to get some water when everything went Black and I collapsed to the floor.

Clarke PoV
I got to work late . There was   At least 12 please with the same sickness as Bellamy . Me and my mom Abby are the only two doctors so we had are hands full . All the people with the sickness where in beds in the infirmary. I walked over to my friend Raven who was in one of the beds she was getting sick I was helping her to sit up when she looked up at me i noticed that there was blood coming from her eyes . Before I could do anything a boy Connor started to have a seizure. Fell to the ground there was blood coming from his eyes and mouth. Me and my mom ran over to him but he was already dead . I stood but and ran to the door . " where are you going Clarke " my mom said . Bellamy had this I need to make sure him and Maddie are okay . Running to my house I saw octavia he asked what was wrong , I didn't answer I just kept running she followed me to my house .

I ran in the front door. I spotted Madison lying unconscious on the floor ." Maddie " octavia shouted behind running over to her I followed right behind her . I felt her pulse. "She is still alive " I said to octavia." What do you mean , people are dying from this thing "octavia asked . "Yes"
I looked down to my unconscious daughter. " Maddie baby ,It's mom are you okay " her eyes flickered. " what happened " she managed to say  . " your sick hunny " o said as we carries her over to the couch . "I need to check on Bellamy will you wait with her o " . Octavia nodded and I went into my bed room . Bellamy was just lying there he looked up at me. He looked better then he did this morning . " how are you feeling " . " you know I have been better " he smiled .  " you look a lot better that's a good thing" . "here bell I said walking over to the bed and sat  beside him. " this sickness is worse than we think " he looked confused. " people are dying from it " he went to reply before octavia ran in . " o get out of here you will get sick " Bellamy said " Maddie is having a seizure " " what " I said running into her. "Help roll her on to her side I " asked octavia. She was getting sick, Bellamy followed us in .   

Maddie stopped seizureing after a few minutes Her and Bellamy where asleep in my bed together. Octavia went to get Lincoln to see if he knows how to stop the sickness. Bellamy and Maddie seem to be getting better. Octavia and Lincoln walk " soon Lincoln what is is " it is a temporary sickness that comes from my people one of the your people must of got when they where in the woods , "so why are people dying from it" I ask. " the virus comes from a plant and some people can have an allergic reaction to it causing death". " but once you have it you can't get it again " Lincoln continue. "So it shouldn't kill everyone " . " unless everyone is allergic to it no " . " thank god " I said with relive . " can you guys take care of bell and Maddie i need to tell Abby this " . "Yeah no problem " o said .

I got to the infirmary cabin as fast as is could a lot of the sick where looking better . I told my mom every thing . " she everyone is more then likely okay " my mom asked " yes " I answer. " so will you be okay here now if I go home and help Bellamy and
Madison " I asked my mom " of course go help them I am fine here " thanks mom " I said , before leaving .

When I got home octavia and Lincoln where asleep on the couch . Bellamy and Maddie where still asleep in my bed I went into them. I lay down beside Bellamy he put a strong arm around me and hugged me . I fell asleep .

Bellamy PoV
I woke up feeling so much better. I looked beside me to see my beautiful little family asleep beside me. I went to get up when Clarke rolled over," good morning . You look better " she said , yeah I think it's gone. " so if you better does that mean we can " before she finally I realised what she was trying to say. " I bent over and kissed her . When I sat on the bed still kissing Clarke a noise followed by a movement " oh my god you to are sick ! Ewwww " Maddie said getting up from the bed and heading to the door not making eye contact.  she walked out the door slamming it behind her . " she seems a lot better " Clarke said laughing . I smiled and she looked back at me . " you are so beautiful " I said to her . She gave me a evil look and pulled the covers over are heads .

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