A Plan.

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Chapter 4

Lydia's POV

I woke up the morning after the lake in Soda's arms. I got up quietly, hoping not to wake him. I ran to the bathroom and took a shower and got dressed in my little car hop outfit. I went into the kitchen and saw the whole gang sitting at the table eating. I grabbed my food and sat down next to Soda. "Good morning sunshine." He said with a chocolatey kiss on the cheek. "Ewww Soda you got chocolate all over my face!!!!" I said wiping it back onto him. "Let's go before we're all late for work lovebirds!!!" Darry shouted pulling us apart and breaking our kiss. I ran to the door and grabbed my roller blades and climbed into Darry's car. We drove to my work and I as I got out, Soda grabbed my waist and kissed me. "Have a good day sweetheart." He said sweetly.

I arrived at work and grabbed my apron and a notepad. "Hey Lydia!" I heard my co-worker Alicia yell from the other side of the diner. "Hey Alicia! How was you're weekend?" I asked hugging her. "Good. I just hung out at home. What about you?" She said with a shrug. "I went to the lake with the boys. Dally threw me in the water..." I said rolling my eyes. "Lucky.." She mumbled under her breath. "What?! Do you like Dally?!" I exclaimed throwing the dish rag I was using to clean the counters down. "What? Psssh no!" She said blushing. "Oh my god you have a crush on my cousin!!!" She nodded slightly and skated out to take our first customers order. She skated back in, gave he order to the chef and came back to me. "I'm getting you two together. But I'm gonna need help. Soda and Steve will help me. Did I mention I'm dating Soda now?" I said with a devious smile. "Wow. Your weekend was a lot better than mine." She chuckled.

After work that day, we walked to the DX to talk to Soda and Steve. I told them my thoughts and we started to come up with a plan. "Dal will never go on a blind date if he knows that's what is going on." Steve said doubtfully. "We could all go to the diner and then pretend to go order food and then leave him with Alicia!" I said enthusiastically. Everyone nodded and we had a plan.

~Friday Night~

"Let's go to the diner guys!" I said to the whole gang even though they all knew about the plan. Dally groaned but finally agreed. "I'm gonna go pick up a friend to go with us." I said as I walked up to Alicia's door. She walked out and I introduced her to the gang. We walked the rest of the way to the diner laughing and joking. When we got to the diner, I picked a big table that would fit all of us. "Alicia and Dally, stay here so nobody takes our spot! The rest of us will go get cokes for all of us." Dally began to protest but stopped when I have him a death glare. We all walked to the counter around the corner casually and then walked out, leaving Dally and Alicia by themselves.

Dally's POV

"Where the heck did they go?" The gang left fifteen minutes ago and still aren't back with the cokes. I'm starting to feel like something is weird about this plan. I walked to the counter and they weren't anywhere in sight. "Damn it. Those little shits." Right when I said that the guy at the counter handed me a note signed by everyone and two cokes. I decided to read the note no matter how mad I was.

We left you here to have a date with Alicia. She really likes you so enjoy your cokes and try to be a little nice.

- Lydia, Soda, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, and Two-Bit.

I threw the note down and took the cokes back to the table. "Looks like it's just us." I tried to be nice to Alicia the rest of the night and surprisingly, I had a good time. I took Alicia home that night with a different feeling. When I walked back into the Curtis house, everyone stared at me with scared looks on their faces.

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