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Hi my name is Martina Stoessel,I am 22 years old and I am the main character in Tini- new life of violetta.I originally lived in Argentina but then as I auditioned for Violetta,I had to move to Spain,Madrid. On my first day of filming, the first person I spoke to was Jorge.He was and still is really handsome.😩❤️ Once he found out I didnt live in a house, he offered me a room in his apartment and sometimes we would sleep in the same bed even though there are 2 double beds in each room and we both have our own rooms.Okay maybe I had a small crush,a teeny weeny crush,that didnt change he still was and still is my best friend.😍👫 It was really hard for me to play his girlfriend in Violetta 💏and have to kiss him several time as I had a crush on him and for me it was usually awkward but not for him because he didnt feel anything for me.Now that we are stars in the movie,things couldnt be going better.We still live in an apartment together and we spend a lot of time together on and off set. Maybe me liking him a bit turned to me having a big crush 😁on him and thinking about him 24/7 even if he is with me but you cant blame me ,we have been living together for 5 years and maybe he might have feelings for me but who knows.👀

Hi my name is Jorge blanco ,I am 23 years old and I am also the main character on the show Violetta.I was born in Mexico but I had to leave to start my career as an actor and singer on the show Violetta which was filmed in Spain,Madrid. I was in a previous tv show called High School Musical before Violetta and I was one of the main characters .During that time I had a girlfriend Stephanie but when I had to shoot for violetta,she had to move elsewhere,making it a long distance relationship. I had made a lot of friends on the first day but the first person I had spoken to was Martina.I had to admit, even though I was with Stephania,I found Martina cute and beautiful and I had a small crush on her❤️😍.Bad boyfriend alert!😔 Once I found out that she didnt live in an apartment and that she was feeling himesick,I offered her a room in my home.Somedays we would sleep together in one anothers bed but thats what best friends do.Right?🤔😶 During the second season of Violetta, I found out that Stephanie was cheating on me with a man aged 25 but I never focused on his name, I think it was Peter landlooser but who knows? After that we broke up and my crush on Martina turned to love but she would never feel the same way would she?🤔
(I'm not bothered to write everyones description but if I didnt mention things,ill add it as I go along!)
Now lets get started 👏.
Director: Okay everyone, let the filming begin!
Everyone starts clapping and the actors and actresses that aren't needed for the first scene go. It leaves Jorge and Martina.
Director:Jorge,Martina get changed,re-rehearse and meet me back here in 20
Martina:okay(signals to Jorge) lets go
They go and get changed and both come out of the dressing room at the same time,Jorge wearing a princes outfit (idk what it was in the trailer) and Martina wearing a long dress(In media)
Jorge's POV
Wow Martina looks stunning. Wait what am I saying she is my best friend I cant think like that,just stop thinking and say something.
Jorge:Martina, you look flawless
Are you stupid 'you look flawless' wow shes gonna get the wrong message,what if I want that?I shake my head just as shes about to speak.Please don't make it more awkward then it already is.
Martina:um thanks, you dont look so bad yourself.(she gives a look like she just realized what she said😶) um i meant you look handsome.
I said please
Director:okay everyone into position!
Phew! Saved by the director
Director:We will start in three,two one, action!
Violetta starts the scene with the camera focused on her whilst she is sitting on the sand,writing notes on a paper,playing the piano(A/N I don't actually know what she was doing cuz the camera only pointed to Tini for a short period of time,I think she was writing notes but who knows)
Leon arrives on his horse and the melody that Violetta is playing plays whilst Leon is riding.
Violetta:(turns around and screams) Leon, is that you?
Leon:(stops in front of Violetta) Violetta?
Leon gets off the horse and arrives at the same position as Vilu
They spin around each other,looking up and down until they hug each other for some moments
Martina and Jorge start laughing,getting out of scene,the director gestures for them saying that they need to redo that
Director: Cut! Okay scene 1 take 2, and ... ACTION
..... (They redid it 2 more times because they kept on laughing at the same time they stopped before back to this part)
Leon:I haven't seen you in ages (still hugging)
Violetta: Yeah because our careers took different routes with you recording your album far away.Anyway,how has that been?
She steps out of the hug so she can admire Jorge's face
Leon:Its been great but I have missed you alot,tell me how have you been?
Violetta:(gestures for them to sit) well I have been okay,I think of you all the time when we don't video chat
Leon:Yeah me too (thinks for awhile) so how is Ludmilla,I heard that she broke up with Fede?
Violetta: Yeah she's not taking it too well,I mean its only been a month,it will take a while for her to get over it.Okay less talk about them I read every magazine that you are on and you still haven't explained properly who Melenie (Sofia Carson) is
Leon:Um well shes my partner in the showbiz for these two months and well!
He pauses and thinks if he should tell her
Violetta:what? Tell me! (She damands)
Leon:don't be mad but as part of our career we had to um ....
Director:And ... Cut! Thats a wrap, Jorge,Martina you did amazing. only 3 retakes.Thats a record.
Me and Martina start clapping as if we achieved something
Director:Well thats it for today see you tomorrow for scene 2
Martina: lets go home, you did great😜
Jorge:yeah lets go and you did great too

Thats it for today, what do you think leon had to say?
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Rania💞 1146 words
Love you all❤️❤️

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