Chapter 5 - 'It's a...'

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Listen while reading - 'Rolling Stone' - Passenger

Camila's POV

'Just breathe Camz. Slowly okay, follow my lead. In and out, okay, in and out. Everything will be fine, trust me.'

I try to look at Lauren with a smile, but I'm guessing it's not very convincing because her face falls as I see her frantically trying to come up with solutions for my panicking.

She looks so lost for a moment it's kind of cute but then I remember I was freaking out and I'm immediately back to taking short breaths.

She looks at me with her brows furrowed. Her lip twitches as if she's going to say something else but nothing comes out. Instead, she just pulls me in for a hug. Her smell is intoxicating, to say the least. I can't help but close my eyes and take in her scent.

I can feel myself slowly relaxing and my hold on Lauren loosens. My breathing slows to a point where it's just above normal and I feel as if I can breathe properly again. To my regret, Lauren notices too and slowly untangles herself from my bear-like grip. She looks at me carefully and smiles.

'There, was that so hard?', she says with a twitch of her lip, making a gentle but playful smirk that makes me want to slap her and kiss her at the same time.

I do the former since I can't even believe I just thought about the latter. Focus Camila. Do not get distracted by the goddess before you, even though she is so damn beautif-

I break my train of thought before I circle back to thinking about her and slap her on the arm.

'Hey! Be nice', I tell her firmly trying to keep a straight face. I fail miserably. I immediately crack a smile just looking at her playful state. She seriously looks like a puppy. A way too cute puppy.

She shrugs, still smirking. 'That's what you get for almost suffocating me with that iron grip of yours. I thought I was going to die', she over exaggerates, pretending to be worried about her health.

I twist this to my advantage instead of giving into her comment, not wanting to crumble under her intense gaze.

'Oh, so you admit that I'm stronger than you?'

Now I'm the one smirking. I see a puzzled look take hold of her features for a second before a grin quickly takes its place.

'I did win, though, if you look from my point of view.'

'Huh? No, you didn't. I Koala'd you almost into death', I exclaim, confused as to why she thinks she won something she obviously didn't. 'If that doesn't get me a win, I don't know what will.'

'Not the hug, idiot, with calming you down.'

'Oh', I say with a confused expression, trying to get what she's referring to. It takes me a moment, but once I understand, an even greater smile splits across my face.

'Oooh, I get it now', I finally say understanding. Yes, I guess you did', mumbling 'smartass' just loud enough so that she hears it and giggles. I then add, with a soft smile and more sincerity, 'thanks, Lo.'

'Your welcome Camz.'

'I'm ready to kick some Simon Cowell ass!', I exclaim with a bit too much enthusiasm that I instantly regret saying it. When I see Lauren kink and eyebrow I quickly try to fix my sentence to make it appear less creepy. 'Oh no, not like that... I mean with singing and stuff-'

I stop rambling to look at Lauren who is trying to contain her laughter.  When our eyes meet, we both burst out into a laughter fit, able to laugh at my idiotic behavior.

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