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Me and my friends Jocely Diana Arii and Ariel had this sleepover with the boys their Names were Kalin Randy Pablo and Jamie we were at jocely house let me tell you about the boys Kalin liked me Pablo was an idiot Randy was also an idiot Jamie likes jocely 💖💓💕 we were bored so we decided to play a game of truth or dare Pablo dared Kalin to grab my thigh and he did l blushed and he blushed l had a big crush on him BTW jocely was actually in the bathroom so she didn't know that we were playing the game once she came in Jamie smirked at her and she said what the hell y'all doing I said playing a game of truth or dare she like OK once she sat down Jamie sat next to her and said you look pretty she like OK Pablo insulted her she got mad and went to the kitchen and grabbed a pan and went back to the room and said l have a pan and l am not afraid to use it Pablo!!! Then she whacked Pablo with the pan several times and Pablo was screaming like a girl like she was getting raped or something😲 but he deserved it🙌

Randy said come on let's go help him Kalin he was distracted by my eyes so Randy pushed him and he said What! Randy said LOOK AT PABLO!! Kalin said who is that screaming like a girl he looked at Pablo and said DAMN boii l quickly took the pan away from jocely Diana and arii got scared Ariel was just staring at her phone she still awesome though😘. Pablo was crying and said let's just finish the game k?Randy and Kalin said u OK he said yes why can't Randy start he said ok he dared (me) to kiss Kalin!!!💋 l blushed Kalin said Randy come on man!! Arii said you guys were blushing earlier so why don't you just do it Diana said ya do it Jocely was looking at pablo with an angry face Pablo got scared and peed his pants a little Ariel said jocely u OK jocely said l am perfectly fine!!!😈😠 l said ok! Kalin and l leaned very close and his lips Met mine people said awww. Then l pushed Kalin away and he smirked at me l blushed me and Kalin said we have to go to the backyard to make sure the car was parked in the right place me and Kalin held hands to the room jocely has a big house though he undressed me and l undressed him l was moaning and he said pools a girl l am gonna make you Moan
all night
he kissed me his tounge met mine and l loved it

See you guys in part 2 bye💙💗

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