Chapter 3

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I hadn't eaten in days maybe weeks?? I needed to find Clary or I was going to go crazy.......
She was the only family that I had left.
I needed to tell her that we finally got her mom to wake up.
A knock came at the door.
"Come in.." I said quietly. Clary' mom came in. Great more tears.
"You must be Jace Wayland?"
"No Morgesten now..."
She looked confused a little odd.
" I'm afraid I don't understand that part how are we related Jace?"
"Well your my mother and Valentine is my father"
She walked over to me and took my hands into hers.
"Jace... I'm not not your mother...."
"Wait your not?"
"No.. You are not my son you're an Heronole....."
"I'm a what...."
I couldn't believe this I couldn't be one I just couldn't be one. But I'm not Clary's brother I never was!!!!

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