Ear Picks (Azusa)

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It was mid summer and was raining outside. Earlier that day, I had been scolded by Ruki because I didn't hear him when he called for me to do some task from him. I wondered if it's already the time to clean my ears. Well, sisters in the church usually did that for me, but since I moved from the church to the Mukami household, I didn't get the chance to do it at all.
As I strolled through the empty hall, a glimpse of yellow caught my eyes. I smiled and ran to the blonde boy.
"Kou!" I called happily and peeked through his side to see what he was holding in his hands. Kou turned around to show me a box with five brand new ear picks made from bamboo.
"M-neko-chan gave it to me earlier in school," he winked and walked to the living room. I followed closely while still eyeing the cute bamboo sticks. When we reached the large room, Yuuma was there eating his sugar-chan and Azusa was sitting across him, playing with the thorny roses in the vase on the table. Ruki entered the room last when Kou and I already seated on the couch. I sat beside Azusa and slapped his hand away from the thorn with a poker face. Azusa pouted slightly but ignore it and put his head on my lap. Kou giggled at the side of us showing affection in front of the other boys in the room while Yuuma and Ruki clearly didn't seem to care.
"We can finally stop using the cotton swab guys!" Kou said cheerfully as he put the box on the table. Ruki eyed the box with disgust.
"I'm not going to use that. It's just going to destroy your ear," Ruki sighed and opened his book. He read in silence as he listened Yuuma and Kou's bickering about which is better between Q-tips and ear pick. I giggled softly and took one with teal colored puff ornament.
"I never do this before," I said looking at Ruki. Ruki sighed and put down his book.
"Kou, come here," after saying that, Ruki took the pink puffed ear pick and started to clean Kou's ear. Kou giggled and mumbled about Ruki being a mom like always. I scootes closer to learn how to clean the ears. Yuuma also seemed to be interested and took a look to the eldest sons of Mukami beside him.
After a quite long 20 minutes, Ruki had done cleaning Kou and Yuuma's surprisingly clean ears. And they woke up from Ruki's lap looked very sleepy and drowsy.
"Getting your ears cleaned could make you sleepy..." Kou said with a yawn. Yuuma rubbed his eyes as he returned to his original position when Ruki finally finished. Ruki sighed.
"I'll be in my room if you need any help," Ruki said and teleported back to his room. Kou bid Azusa and I a goodnight and teleported back like Ruki. Yuuma still yawning like crazy decided to walk to his own room, leaving Azusa and I in the room alone. He sat up from my lap and smiled softly.
"(Y/N)-san... Do you want... Your ears... Getting cleaned?" Azusa asked while tilting his head a bit. I squealed inside because of his cuteness. I nodded slowly and laid my head down to his lap. He reached for the ear picks in my hand and started cleaning my ears gently. His gentle touch and soothing voice as he hummed some song made me sleepy. I yawned lightly and started to drift off.
"(Y/N)-san?" I woke up from his voice. I rolled over a bit to see him staring at me intensely. I blushed.
"Please... Turn around... I can't clean... The other... One..." He said slowly, I giggled and turned to face his stomach. I snuggled to the fabric of his warm and fluffy sweater. Azusa started to clean the other ear. I never felt this sleepy when sisters clean my ears, but when Azusa did it, I'm very happy and relaxed so I got sleepy easily. Azusa hummed again. My eyes screwed shut when I finally felt I couldn't hold any longer.

3rd POV
'(Y/N)-san is asleep on my lap again,' Azusa thought to himself and giggled. After finished cleaning her cute and inviting ears, Azuasa finally admitted that he felt felt tired and teleported to his room together with the sleeping girl. After tucking the girl to sleep, he climbed the bed and snuggle beside her to sleep.
"Good night, I love you, (Y/N)-san."

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