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Lucy POV

I got ready for my first day of school and on my way out I grab a slice of toast.
"Bye mum" I yelled up the stairs. I heard a muffled reply, I headed out the door and grabbed my bike. I peddled up the deserted country lane trying to get to the main road as quickly as possible. It was horrible and scary this early in the morning.

I wobbled from the speed and hit a rock, I went flying over the handle bars and landed heavily on my arm. "OWWWWW" I screamed in pain. I slowly pushed myself into my feet and looked around. Suddenly a hand gripped my mouth and started dragging me towards a beautiful black Audi. I scolded myself this was no time to be admiring cars! I started throwing punches anywhere I could, kicking and screaming. He kept a strong grip on me, I bit down as hard as I could into his hand and he dropped me I quickly scrambled to my feet and started running back to my house. I heard him running after me and started to scream at the top of my voice he dived and rugby tackled me to the floor.
"Hello Lucy, I'm Jason."

Jason POV

She was such a nuisance normally it was incredible easy for me to take other girls but his time it was incredible hard. I saw her go flying of her bike and land on the floor. I don't know much but that was definitely a broken arm, I approached her and rapped my arm around her mouth and picked her up bridle style. She was a fighter but I kept my grip. She suddenly bit down on my hand and I let go, she jumped up and started running. She wasn't nearly as fast as me, being in the school rugby team for 5 years really had paid of. I dived and tackled her into the floor, there was no escape now. I whispered in her ear.
"Hello Lucy, my name is Jason"
I felt her shiver beneath me, I smirked and picked her up, throwing her into the back of my car. Another girl taken. Easy. I jumped into the drivers seat and sped of. After hearing her shouting and screaming for about 40 minutes I finally decided to drug her. Finally we arrived at our destination in Florida. 4 hours car journey and she wasn't awake yet, maybe I drugged her a bit to much? I picked her up bridle style and carried her up to my bedroom. She still wasn't waking up so I handcuffed her to the bed and went downstairs.
I'm sorry for the late update but I will try to update ever Saturday.
Thank you for reading and please comment and vote. XXX

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