Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self - 1

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Dear young soul who is planning to conquer the world,

First of all, I'm gladly inform that you won't lead any world war.
You are too nice to do that anyway. Also, you already have enough issues to deal with right now, so before making any plans to take over the world, you should definitely take care of yourself first.

Yes, you need to pay more attention to your health, physically and mentally.
You are smart enough to find all the information of what is good and bad for your body, so try your best to follow them. And don't forget about your mental health, too. Your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions, are important.

It's okay to feel confused, it's okay to cry, it's okay to have a crush on someone who doesn't like you back, it's okay to be jealous, it's okay to be emotional,
it's okay not to be okay.

Showing emotions doesn't make you weak or pathetic,
it simply makes you human. You are not a heartless robot and you also don't have to be a happy-go-lucky person all the time.

Please try to vent your feelings instead of bottle it all up, yeah?
Write down everything you had inside your head, draw as your heart desire, sing at the top of your lungs, practice your favorite sports, dance to your favorite songs, anything really. Have fun and let it all go until your head and chest feel much lighter.

And talk to someone about it, too. Anyone you can trust, your bestfriends, your counseling teacher, someone.
I know you feel like it will be useless to talk about your feelings or thoughts because most people just can't understand you.

Heck, even sometimes you can't understand yourself.

Hey, do you remember that one Simple Plan song that you think you could relate to?

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you?

Well, guess what, that song is a valid proof that you're not the only one who feel that way. This may sounds cliche, but trust me, there are people who will understand you, who want to listen to you and naturally connect with you .

It's okay to feel different though. Everyone is uniquely created.
You don't have to act, think, or do everything the same way like everyone. You can have your own way, and set your own standards. As long as you don't harm anyone, do anything you need to do to be happy.

Feel free to cut off anyone who constantly make you feel bad about yourself or make you question your self-worth. No matter how perfect you are, haters gonna hate.

Your time is too precious to waste on some frenemy thingy.
True friends are the ones who make you feel truly accepted and comfortable around them. And most importantly, they won't disrespect you behind your back.

We grow up in an instant world where people tend to judge by first impressions. But they can be misleading, so be careful not to judge too quickly. Not everything is exactly as it seems.

Labels and stereotypes are stupid. don't trap yourself in a small box of what you can and can't do. Widen your comfort zone and try new things, you may be succeed, you may be fail, but you wouldn't know if you never try.

Quoting Mark Twain, 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. That man got a point, you know.

Smile more, drink more water, eat your vegetables.

Be happy.

You are worth it, you are important, you are not defined by your mistakes. 

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