Teenage Hearts {Liam}

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Teenage Hearts- Allstar Weekend

"Liam, sweetheart you have to stop this" my mum coos from the doorway of my bedroom. The soft light from the hallway finding it's way into the dark cavern of my room. "Li its been a weeks since you've left this room, you should get out" the light snaps on, hurting my eyes that have been hidden in the darkness for so long.

"Mum please turn the light off" I don't even recognize the voice coming out of my own mouth, the voice is thin and quite, some of the words not making it to even being audible.

"Please don't stay cooped up in here all day again. This isn't healthy" my mum turns the off and closes the door, leaving again to be tortured by my memories.

"Come on, just a little further" I encourage her, Carry's fingers intertwined with mine.

"I can't see a thing Li, how do I know your not leading me to my death" her free hand touches the navy blue fabric I've turned into a make shift blindfold, wrapped around her head.

"Do you honestly think I'd do that?" I raise an eyebrow at her, but the remember she can't see me anyways. "Just a few more meters"  taking her other hand in mine I lead her the last few steps to the top of the hill. "Alright we're here" her hands move up to untie the knot of the blindfold, "No" I lightly slap her hands away, untying the blind fold myself. Her emerald green eyes take everything in, from the breath taking view to the dead leaves coating the ground.

"This is beautiful" I watch as the beauty leaves her completely awstruck, making me completely happy just to see her at such a loss for words. "Why are we here?" she walks back to me wrapping her arms around me neck my hands instictly move to wrap around her waist, her beautiful smile placed across her lips.

"I got you something" removing my hands from he waist I fumble in my jumper pocket for the small box. The box fits perfectly in my hand, small enough so that none of the white leather exterior is showing. I swallow the lump building my throat and push away the thoughts of her saying answer that will leave me heartbroken. I watch her as her emerald eyes become wide and a lighter shade, and her mouth forms a small 'o' as I open the box to reveal a ring.

"Liam-" she removes her gaze from what lies in the box, bring her gaze up to my face.

"Carry this past year has been absolutely amazing, everyday from this past year I've found myself falling in love with you all over again. I'm not asking you for anything drastic, just that you'll promise to be with me a while longer. Because I've given you my heart, so please don't break it." shock is the only emotion on her face, I can feel my heart rate speeding up and the tears begin to prickle at the corners of my eyes as I wait for an answer I don't want to hear.

"Liam, of course" her smile is replaces on her lips as she pulls me into her tight embrace.

"You promise?" I whisper into her neck, taking in a deep inhale of her strawberry scented curly red locks.

"Promise" she whispers back.

"Alright now that that's over" I gently remove the small silver band from the box, slipping it onto her long thin finger. "Let's get go find a place that sells hot chocolate" I smile, intertwining her fingers with mine once again, our hands lightly swinging by our sides. I watch as she brings her free hand up to her face closely inspecting the small ring, it's a simple silver band with a small diamond cut into a heart in the center.

My heart aches remembering that evening, it was perfect, like something out of a sappy romance movie. She kept her promise, at least for a little while. Months passed before the trouble started. She'd go weeks without speaking to me, and me being the hopeless boy I am I let it go on not wanting to lose her... she was my everything.

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