Tomorrow may be to late

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It seemed that as I placed one foot in front of the other, I'd be able to take on the world; my world. It was a beautiful place, the only place I ever knew to be exact. It had pine tree's and poplar tree's for ages, each soaring high into the sky. The land of soil and rock stood firm with every footfall placed on it. The sky was bright and blue, not a sight of any clouds and the sun stood at all of its glory, shining down on the pitiful beings.

Every step I took seemed to make a loud thud. I walked slowly and peacefully down to the slow moving river in the south that I passed on my way up here as it was a great source of water for my trek ahead to be able to find food that will feed my starving belly for the harsh winters ahead.

As I reached the river that would grant me enough energy for a good day or so, I took in as much as I could drink and was quickly on my way up north.


I must have spent hours walking, it was too soon that the sun was already going down and I would have to find a place to sleep for tonight before I continued on my journey ahead. It was too soon that the thought crossed my mind, for I soon saw a light; a street light to be exact. I lay on the ground staring at the light not really knowing what it meant for me.

When the early morning light awoke all my senses, I quickly took a stretch and looked off into the distance where I saw the light previously the night before. I quickly made my way the only thought on my mind was that I needed food, badly.

As I strolled into the openness, all my senses went into overdrive, I could smell something delicious, but at the same time feel in danger. It was an inner battle inside my self, but I quickly chose that I would die if I didn't get food anytime soon. So that was when I made my way behind a building that I could smell that heavenly scent. Once I found what I was looking for I tore open the food and quickly started eating not aware of what was going on. I looked behind me and saw someone extremely familiar, they look so much like me was all I could think about before the cage door slammed shut and I took off running back into the woods. I know they had gotten him, but I don't know what would happen.

It was my mistake. One stupid mistake, but I took it anyway and looked behind, a weird looking being had something pointed at me. I didn't even know he did anything, but I heard  a loud bang. It took only a second for that bang to be turned into extreme pain. It soared throughout my body that soon turned cold. I couldn't feel and my heart slowly stopped as blood drained out of my body. I let out a little whine knowing I was soon to be dead. I was scared. Scared of the unknown, but I know I didn't have a choice, it was my stupidity that killed me and now I lay here dead. The dead body of black bear lay there, my dead body. Just because I wasn't like you, well I have one thing to say; Fuck You.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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