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Meanwhile, in an another server, capesky had their own friend, caspersky the friendly admin.

 Capesky was a single papa, mothering 1000 sons. they had all their sons. Cape the ape had so many people... yet they were alone! capesky decided to stop bottlefeeding his 18 year old sons and talk to their love interest, caspe on the phone

cape ape: hey ther

caspe: hey hey hey

cape ape: hey ther

caspe: hey hey hey

cape ape: hey ther

caspe: hey hey hey

cape ape: lets go sumwher 2marow k

capse: ok bye loser

Ah, perfect! capesky quickly ran to the garden, where they had been growing w33d and made a bouquet out of the w33d, mnt dew, blazeit, and doritos and timeskipped to the next day and ran to the cafe, 'yuris fat ass', waiting for caspe. Finally, caspe showed up. saying two words, they caused the owner to remove any and all admins ":fling all"

the end

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