Broken and Beaten.

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We were in the court arguing about the case of Chihiro Fujiaski, another classmate murdered in this hell hole. It seemed that someone had tried to frame me by copying my style of murder, but the only one who knew about that was Byakuya. He wouldn't of done it, he's way to smart for that I hope...

I was barely concentrating until I heard the name Genocider Jack. I looked around only to see it was Byakuya's mouth this had come from. I looked at him in desperation. He can't tell my secret he can't.  He promised! 

"I happen to know Genocider Jack is actually one of us!" He spoke softly with a small smile. This made me want to vomit. "It's none other than the innocent Toko Fukawa!" 

Everyone as expected disagreed, shocked even at such wild accusion. All I could mutter was "This was a secret" to Byakuya in pure fear. All this unwanted sudden attention was getting to much. My head felt to heavy and dizzy. My sane self was being overthrown. As everything started blacking out. I fell to the floor Toko Fukawa had disappeared for now. 

As quickly as I fell I rose again. At least making the kidish one, Naegi I think, gasp. 

"Maybe my tounge and my new appearance may be a bit surprising, but you don't have to make such a show about it." I chuckle looking down at my extraordinary long snake tounge.

As we carry on I'm now taken as the main suspect until Naegi manages to move the blame to Togami. As this carries on it feel like fainting again at what I just heard. Togami did want to blame me! He went and vandalised the corpse of our classmate! Why did he do this?! To get me killed?! Just to hurt me?!

I'm still breaking inside at the execution of the true murderer of Chihiro. What is wrong with me? I should, do have known I'm not good enough for him. I'm just a useless slob who never belong with anyone. I don't deserve to live. I should just die. Maybe if I did I would save many many lives. I suppose. 

When we went back in decided to go talk to Byakuya. I don't have anything else to do anyways. I guess. 

"Byakuya, Byakuya" I call.

"What" He growls "Can't you tell I don't want to ask to you?"

"Why did you tell them? You broke our promise and secret!"

"Because I hate you. I don't want to see you. You reek like pig, you look like a slob, wait no you are a slob. You need to stop being a stalker. I will never love you! Stop playing stupid games! Now just leave me alone!" He yelled at me in such anger I thought he was going to hit me. Actually it would have been much better if he did...

That evening I was in the library.  I've thought about this before, but now I'm definite it's the last option. I was living in a hole. I couldn't get out. Everyone else was carrying on not bothering to help and ugly bitch like me. The only way to get through it was to die or cause others to.  That night I had bought some of MonoKuma's special poison. Not extremely lethal, it was the best i coukd find, but it should do the trick. The next case will be me; Touko Fukawa.

I remember drinking as much of the poison ad I could before pain over came me and I lost conscious.

My eyes are blurred as they try to open. There's a souring pain in my stomach. This doesn't look like the afterlife...

"Fukawa! Your awake?" I here a voice squealing. Nope this definitely isn't the afterlife. "Guys come quick!" I think this is Naegi judging by the youngish tone of his voice. 

A load of people rush around me all trying to get my attention. I have to stop them they are being tooffered loud and annoying. One by one I answer them proving my existence and repeatedly saying I'm fine now thanks. Later on everyone has disappeared leaving me someither space. Until one figure walks in.

"I didn't think it would come to this" He starts. It only takes me a second to realise this voice belongs to Byakuya Togami! Why would he come and see me?


"I never thought you took all this to heart. Looking back at my words, I can't believe I would think thatshe acceptable." He sat down at the chair Naegi was at a few minutes ago pulling it close to my bed. "I'm so glad your alive..." He looked stressed and even if maybe he had been crying?

"I'm sorry Togami. This wasn't anything to do with you. I had been planning this for a while."

"Don't lie! I know this was my doing!" He spat out. "All I said was false. I was intimidated of you. You have such strength, cleverness and talent. More than I have ever known. I had to try and stay stronger. I never thought it would end in this." Was he lying? Did someone tell him to say this to stop me trying this again?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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