Chapter Five

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"Vulpes? So fox?" Falcon asked, not lowering her weapon. "I guess." Vulpes replied smirking. "Why are you smirking?" Falcon replied, still holding the bow at his face. He had light brown skin, brown eyes, and short black hair. "Because I just relized that Vulpes is the scientific name for fox." He replied. His eyes were calm, not threatening at all. There was a gash going across his cheek and another one on his chest. "Are you ok? Your gashes are really bleeding and you're looking pale." Falcon asked as Vulpes started to wabble on his feet.  Soon, in the blink of an eye, he was unconscious on the ground. "Uuuhhh, I guess I'll help you." Falcon muttered to herself. She set up a tent the Vulpes had in a hidden pouch that could hold anything, no matter how big. She build a fire, layed out some sleeping bags, dressed Vulpes's wounds with some bandeges she had, and went hunting of dinner.  She killed a wild boar and cooked the meat over the fire. Falcon gazed in the fire, lost in thought while she ate. Vulpes began too stirr and was soon awake and eating some of the meat. "Why did you help me?" Vulpes asked, he and Falcon's gaze lost in the fire. "I don't know. I just did. It's who I am." She replied. "Ok." He replied finishing up his meal. "I'll take the first watch. You get some sleep." Vulpes offered. "Thanks." Falcon said smiling as she snuggled into her sleeping bag. She felt like there was more to him than he's telling was her.

Hey guys, RedWolf here! Sorry for the short chapter. I have writers block :/. But the next chapter will be longer!! 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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