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Thursday morning came around and I definitely didn't want to move from my bed. I'd have to face people who probably saw me on the news, who would judge me. Great, I sighed to myself.

Rolling out of bed, I decided to try my best to look cute, to look like I was Lola's daughter.

Then again why do I have to impress anybody?

Against my better judgement, I threw on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, an off white based floral print shirt, and my black TOMS.

Once my hair was up in a perfect donut bun, I grabbed a black cardigan, my keys, my backpack, and an apple before heading out the door.

Stupid me had to glance towards Jc's house, and against my luck, he had the same idea. Our eyes were locked on each other for a matter of seconds before he turned away and climbed into his car.

I couldn't help but feel mad at myself for getting mad at him last night, I had no reason to.

With one last sigh, I climbed into my own car and drove to school.

"Selena!" I heard Andrea call as soon as I parked.

"Hey guys." I smiled when I walked up to them.

"So your mom is Lola?" Sam blurted out.

"Sam!" Kian hissed, hitting Sam in the chest.

"What?" Sam pouted. "It's all over the news, and the entire school's talking about it." He shrugged.

"It's okay Kian." I chuckled. "But yeah, Lola is my mom." I sighed, directing the statement at no one in particular. I knew they were all wondering the same thing.

"So that's why Jc got back with Ana?" Sam questioned more to himself than anyone else.

"Wait what?" My jaw dropped, and my books were sent to the floor.

"Shit! Sel I'm sorry I didn't know and I uh I'm sorry." Sam sighed, staring at the ground.

"It's cool. Not your fault." I sighed, picking up my books as the bell rang. "We better get to class guys."

Without waiting for an answer I turned to walk inside. I wanted nothing more than to just get the day over with, and avoid Ana at all costs.

"Good morning Sel." A familiar voice chimed.

"Good morning Nick," I smiled up at him. "You have office duty right now huh?"

"Yeah." He shrugged. "Look, I can get a pass to excuse you for the day if you want?"

"Uh no that's not why I was asking." I stopped in my tracks, baffled. "I was gonna walk with you to the office and then head to class, but forget it I don't want you thinking I'm using you."

Once again I was walking towards my class, leaving Nick behind.


School flew by, thankfully. No run in with Ana occurred, which was a blessing in itself. After news of Jc getting back with her erupted, I knew it'd be best to avoid them both at all cost.

On the other hand, I still have his sweater, which I want to return. How do I do that though? I can just imagine the awkwardness now. Oh hey Jc, here's your sweater, I'm glad you got back with Ana bye. Oh goodness Selena keep it together!

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I called as I fumbled through the door only to trip and fall on my butt upon entry. Boxes? "Uh guys? Boxes?"

"Honey! Oh shoot." My mom pouted from the kitchen doorway. "I was hoping these would be out of the way by the time you got home, I didn't realize you got home this early. Santiago!" She shouted.

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