Chapter 9: Rebellious Choice

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It had been a year since she was in the new supposedly safer school. But he knew she would not be content there for very long. He had not told her who she was, or what she was capably of yet, it was best kept to himself. But in order to try and understand what would happen to the child he had read the last lingering thoughts of the prophets before he buried them. One of which had something to with freedom. All children who were the protectors of the planet always had an almost uncontrollable desire for freedom. This usually came about when they had reached a capacity to be able to defend themselves. He had been doing his research, and learned that almost all of the past protectors had left the study halls and struck off on their own. Often times stealing food to live. Some were capable of creating food from the elements around them. Timothy doubted Jozyne was the latter. But he knew that this desire for freedom was necessary for a protector to operate. They would usually have a home base, and called by what could only be defined as an instinct, were driven towards whatever problem was present on the planet. And now that he was hearing that Jozyne was starting to ditch class, he was afraid that this was what was beginning to happen. That  uncontrollable desire to be free.


School was boring, strangely enough it was the classes in magic that she found the most mundane. She would attend the basic course classes, math, English and the such, but avoided the magic classes and retired the library, where she would study ahead of all her other peers. The librarian was nice enough, he didn't tell where she was, or what she was doing. This made her suspicious though, and often times went in invisible, snatching a book hear or there, and sneaking off to the rooftop to read and practice. There were actually no passageways that were not locked to the rooftop, but ever since she had improved upon her wing structure and flight ability, she was able to get the rooftop, and had stayed there reading during her magic classes. However as many of the natural elements of magic required resources, such as water, she was becoming more and more tempted to go to the park in Gorgeg city and practice there. She could also practice herbomancy there as well. But she figured she would get in trouble, and there in thus, mainly practiced aeromancy as a result. 

Miss Colengrah

She rarely showed up to class. Rarely. She was the best student in her class, it should have been a breeze for her but yet she rarely showed. There had been rumors that she had left to the rooftop instead of working, but how she got up there was a mystery. What was even more mysterious was that she passed all of her tests on the natural elements of magic, despite not being in class at all! And it was the tests that counted the most on her grades, so she got at least a decent B. Not the best, but it was passing. She sighed as she watched her students perform what magic they had learned in class by performing their skills for her. Today was a test day. The only days that Jozyne showed up to class, and there she was peeping in the door window, waiting to be let in.


Today was a test on electromancy, something she was rather skilled at. She passed with quite literally flying colors. The bonus on the test had been if you could change the color of the electricity. Which Jozyne changed to blue, purple, orange, yellow, red, and green. Displaying her knowledge she easily zapped the dummy right where the heart would be located. This was not as easy as it seemed. It required energy and concentration as all magic did. It was not effortless, not yet. That was her thoughts as the school bell rang and it was time to head home. But Jozyne was beginning to not be content with her life, and had other plans in mind.


It was past 5:00. It was time for her to come home. Yet she was not here. Not at the apartment. Not knocking at the door. The walk was not far and it was normal for her to come home a little late, but not this late. He began to fret, had something happened to her on her way home? Or worse, were her tendencies for freedom beginning to get to her? Last he had researched such feeling did not start till a much later age. Especially if it involved leaving the home completely. After waiting another ten minutes he decided he could not take it any longer, and headed out to the school to inquire where she might be.

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