Are You My Brother?

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"Are you my brother?"

Nakio had greeted everyone in the village, hugged his mother, and shocked his father by hugging him, swung his little brothers around, and was now entering his old home.

Nakio turned to Nakita, hiding behind the doorway that led to the bedrooms.

"I am. Last time I saw you, you liked me, and you were about this tall," Nakio held his hand up to just below his knee.

"I barely remember you."

"You were only two. Now you're seven, aren't you?"

"Last month."

"On the seventeenth," Nakio stated confidently.

"How did you know that?" Nakita looked at him in awe.

"Well, besides being your brother, we share the same birthday."

"That makes sense," Nakita said thoughtfully.

"That it does. Are you going to come eat supper with us?"

"Only if I can sit by you," she said shyly.

"Deal." Nakio stuck his hand out and grinned.

Nakita responded by stepping out of the doorway and into her older brother's arms.

"I love you," she whispered into his ear.

"I love you, too. I missed your smile when I was gone."

Nakita leaned out a bit to look into his eyes, a serious expression on her face. "Do you want me to smile more so you won't miss it anymore?"

Nakio chuckled, smiled from ear to ear himself and said, "Yes, Nakita, I do."

Masho's voice sounded from behind Nakio.

"Are you going to eat, or are you going to let it get cold?"

"We're coming, Masho! Save Nakita the other spot beside me!"

"Easier said than done!" Masho called back.

"Please, dear, make it happen," Nakio said softly as he carried his little sister into the dining room to kiss Masho on the cheek.

"Fine, fine."

Nakio continued to smile full-heartedly.

He was finally home. Home.  

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