HL's Debut

97 9 3

March 25 2016

The last music video has been released!Hanuel or HL has release her very sexy song 'Roll Deep'! The song itself is just so great to hear! The music video features HG's members as backup dancers and just people in the video.This video also featured Lips,E(Y)E,WINNER,Ikon,PSY,BigBang,and Lee Hi.HL wanted to invite AKMU also but sadly they couldn't attend.And 2NE1 just couldn't attend.

The music is just a song you can dance to in the club! Now all three members debuted,we cannot wait till Mini & Cream debut!


Luhun:OMG.I just cannnnnnoooooooooot with HL.She looks perfect and seems perfect.

Sehan:Hanuel I just can-not.

Babyz:HL.I died.

Blackjack_Carrot:BABY HL WHY U DO DIS???

ILikeChickens:JESUS CHRIST YG IS JUST MAKIN ME POOR.I preordered EunJoo,Sarah,and Hl's albums WITH posters and the special editions.

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