New Everything.

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Waiting for three hours while crying is draining, watching people walk by without caring about who you are or why you are crying, it's also kind of relieving. I don't want people to know me or my story, I don't even want to know my story...

I start to look for my aunt and I get up, circling around and spotting a familiar auburn head and pretty face. My auntie, Aubrey, turns toward me and I see her hazel eyes show many emotions while a small smile shows on her face and she runs over to me, I run to her too, my smile reflecting hers. She crushes me with one of those soulful embraces, the ones that make you cry because the emotion is felt in it.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry, I can't believe this happened. I was going to go down and see you on your birthday honey, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be late, I will always be here for you, lets take you home babe." Aubrey rushes out, her tears soaking my shirt as mine fall silently too, a smile gracing my puffy face. I just want to go to sleep, I missed her so much.

"I missed you Aubrey, you are the closest thing to me right now, Jordan doesn't even know yet...I don't know how to tell him, I need him right now, I just want to go home and sleep. I want to forget Aubrey, I want to be gone...I miss them so much Aubrey..." I sob out into her sweet smelling shoulder, my nerves slowly getting less tense the more she soothes me, my eyelids droop as my tears slow down to a stop.

"How about we go to my house and you go ahead to bed okay, love? You need sleep, I'll give you some sleeping pills if you need them so you fall asleep, take a hot bath okay? I have clothes that will fit and tomorrow we will go buy some new clothes and decorating for your room, maybe do some girl stuff? Sound good honey?" She holds me arms length away as I nod and hug her again, I really need some time to just bond with my auntie.

The car ride to my new home wasn't long but I managed to fall asleep and had a nightmare about the bastard that killed my parents, that should be dead just like them, I should be dead like them. My thoughts move away from the dark parts of my now twisted mind and I open my eyelids slightly and see a cream colored house, a three story, including the basement, and a balcony on the second floor facing the west. It was a beautiful house but not like my home in California. I get out of my auntie's blue camaro ss and stretch, the warmth from the noon sun soothing me.

"Just go ahead in babe, the second floor to the left is your room, the one with the balcony. It should be warm and the bathroom is joined, clean towels are in the linen closet in the bathroom." Aubrey yells from the trunk of the car, grabbing my purse and phone charger. I love her, she's so good to me.

I start to go in, the crystal knob on the front door reflecting the sunlight so it looks like a billion fireflies were on the door and on my pale pink tank-top. I looked into the stained glass window in the front door and pushed it open. The carpet was a cream color and matched the warm cinnamon walls and the aspen wood staircase. The stairs were across the room with a large spiral leading to the second floor.

I went up the stairs slowly, examining everything, the handrail smooth and cool. I took the first left and walked into a warm colored room, a burnt toast color, I had a wood floor, the drapes, red. I went to the bathroom on the right to the entrance to the bedroom. The walls were an off white color and the tile was black and blue checkered. On the far side of the bathroom was a large bath and a wall sized window. On the right side wall, the sink and mirrors, covering the whole length of the long vanity had large well lit lights along the top. At the end of the counter, the wall is a mirror. I stared at the reflection invading my sight, the broken girl with short, buzzed blonde hair and bright green eyes. Bags are evident under her large, tired eyes; her fair skin was red and splotchy from crying for a number of hours, her form was slouched and tired. Her 5'4'' looked shorter than normal because of the lack of energy in her small, curvy frame. She needed sleep.

And a bath.

I left the mirror, the mocking mirror and walked over to the large tub, the glass tub that seemed to whisper 'just a little while.' So that's what I did, I undressed slowly, the feeling of my cold skin alarmed me, I dragged my hands down my breasts and slid my hands up my arms, trying to warm up. I stepped gingerly into the tub and turned the handle labeled 'hot' and only turned that on.

The water filled in quickly, the scalding water burning my tender back and sides of my breasts. I ran my fingers against my black and silver tattoos, the tattoos that ran underneath my right breast, the one on my arms, the entire sleeve I traced and traced over and over again.

My parents.

I'll get a tattoo in their memory tomorrow.

My tears feel silently until the water got cold, long after I started shivering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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