Chapter 3 - Hello Da Vinci!

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“Hmm, say please.”



“Oh, come on, Alli!”

Allison sat on the bed, legs crossed, arms folded with her back to Alec while he tried to convince her to help him. While the idea of using magic was intriguing, Allison refused to help a total stranger for reasons she still wasn’t completely sure of. She looked over her shoulder to see him pouting at her and she threw her hands up in frustration.

“Give me one reason why I should trust you!” she snapped at him. “Or better yet, how do you intend to prove you can really do magic? Other than throwing me into the ocean.”

“I’ll your question with a question if you don’t mind,” Alec said with a smile. “If you could just walk into any museum and take whatever you wanted, what would you take?”

“Just take it?”


“No strings attached?”

“No strings.”

“That’s easy,” Allison scoffed. “A Leonardo Da Vinci painting.”

“Really?” Alec said with genuine interest. “That really does fit you for some reason.”

“But I think I would take it right back.”

“What? Why?”

“Da Vinci’s work is amazing, inspiring,” Allison explained. “I think it insults his work to not let it be shared with everyone.” Alec seemed to ponder this for a moment and then his smile widened.

“I’ll make you a deal,” he told her. “Help me get what I need and not only teach you magic, I’ll give you something better than a Da Vinci painting.” Allison turned to face him this time, letting her legs hang off the bed. “Ah ha, that got your attention.”

“Nothing is better than a Da Vinci painting,” Allison told him which made Alec shrug.

“Okay,” he said as he stood. “If I really can’t convince you to help me then I won’t push you. And I even pay you for your time if you really think there is nothing better than a Da Vinci painting.” He turned to leave the tent while Allison tried to weigh the options he had put before her. Something that was better than owning a Di Vinci painting had to be worth working for this guy, right?

“Wait,” she said quietly and Alec stopped in mid step. His back still turned to her she didn’t notice the smirk that crossed his lips. He turned back around with a gentle smile and waited. “I’ll help you but–”

“Excellent!” Alec said happily as he held out his hand.

“But, I want to see what is so much better than a Da Vinci painting,” she added.


“And if I don’t like it I want the right to back out of the deal.”

“Fine, but I doubt you’ll hate it,” Alec told her. “Now, do we have an agreement or not.” Allison stared at his hand for a moment, wondering what sort of madness she was signing up for. She didn’t know this man, didn’t know what he was capable of…and yet…

“Deal,” she said as she took his hand.

“Good,” Alec said with an almost evil smile. Before Allison could say anything else he pulled her onto her feet and into his arms, holding her close. “Hold on tight. I’ve never traveled with someone before so you get to be my guinea pig.” Allison felt her face pale at his words as her whole body began to tingle and a feeling of unease settled over her. The world around her faded to black and the only thing she could feel were Alec’s strong arms holding her tightly against his chest. She shut her eyes has her chest began to burn and it became hard to breathe. But as fast as the pain came on, it disappeared in an instant and she found herself standing in the sun once more. But this place was much louder than the beach she had been standing on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2011 ⏰

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