1. What are you wearing?


2. Ever been in love?

Yes, well at least I thought I was at the time

3. Ever had a terrible break up?

I had a pretty bad breakup last year

4. How tall are you?

I'm 5'1"

5. How much do you weight?

A thousand pounds

6. Any tattoos?

Not yet

7. Any piercings?

I only have my ears pierced


I ship everyone in Bts with each other, I have a problem. I also ship Phan to because they're made for each other.

9. Favorite shows?

I don't watch Tv that much but I really like RuPaul's Drag Race

10. Favorite bands?

Bts, Bts, and did I mention Bts

11. Something you miss?

My soul that I handed over to Bts

12. Favorite songs?

At the moment Zero for Conduct by BASTARZ and So Dangerous by UP10TION

13. How old are you?

An age

14. Zodiac sign?

I'm a two-faced gemini

15. Quality you look for in a partner?

Similar interests, someone who's punny as hell, and a very funny laid back person

16. Favorite quote?

"don't judge me for the litter that falls out for i am just a humble trash can trying to roll my way through life. - Dan Howell(Lester)"

17. Favorite actor?

Donald Trump

18. Favorite color?

I like pastel colors and red

19. Loud music or soft music?

Both I guess

20. Where do you go when you're sad?

I go to my room and lay in my bed for like an hour

21. How long does it take you to shower?

An hour at most but usually 20 minutes

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Like 15 minutes

23. Ever been in a physical fight?

I was almost got into a fight when I was in 5th grade at the playground

24. Turn on?

1.Bernie Sanders

25. Turn off?

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

26. The reason I joined Wattpad?

To read and possibly write a lot of gay smut

27. Fears?

Heights, what lurks in the dark, and cockroaches

28. Last thing that made you cry?

J-Hope being a cute ass bitch

29. Last time you said you loved someone?

A few minutes ago to J-Hope because he's your hope and he's your angel.

30. Meaning behind your Wattpad username?

Just some A+ Bts references

31. Last book you read?

The last actual published book I read was ...... I don't even remember

32. The book you're currently reading?

No One by httpsxga

33. Last show you watched?


34. Last person you talked to?

My dad

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?

My really good friend Ashley

36. Favorite food?

Donald Trump's hair, good puss

37. Place you want to visit?

Japan, South Korea, L.A., and New York

38. Last place you were?

My apartment

39. Do you have a crush?


40. Last time you kissed someone?

Last year I kissed my ex on the cheek and it was hella!!!!!!!!!!!

41. Last time you insulted someone?

Like 5 seconds ago

42. Favorite flavor of sweet?

I love chocolate and caramel

43. What instruments do you play?

I suck at everything, so no

44. Favorite piece of jewelry?

I don't really wear jewelry

45. Last sport you played?

Soccer at school on Thursday

46. Last song you sang?

Zero for Conduct by BASTARZ

47. Favorite chat up line?

I don't have one

48. Have you ever used it?

No because I don't have one

49. Last time you hung out with anyone?

Counting school it would be Ashley

50. Who should answer these questions next?

No one should have to go through this hell

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