A Folks Tale

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Knuckles cracking

Loud laughing

At a white cloth table

Man walks in

Sits down with a grin

Tells us all a fable

One by one

Sparks a fire

We all want to believe

Speechless were all

When the story was done

The man began to leave

Gone and gone was he that day

Gone was him indeed

Telling all the tale of a Siren

 A Siren he had freed

With piercing eyes and dark dark hair

The Siren now swims free

Been haven caught by some fishermen

By one who set her free

- The Man From The Pub

A famous European folk tale

Mythology Throughout European History

By Rosa McConnal

Authors note:

Just a quick filler. I wrote it myself, the book is made up so is the author. I thought it would be interesting to add in some songs she would sing, some stories that were told about her,etc. please vote and comment thank you for reading! -L.P

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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