[Chapter 1]

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"Ugh, I can't believe I have to work with you." I rolled my eyes.

"HEY, don't you dare roll your eyes at me."

"Well I can if I want to dummy."

Okay, I have to tell you something. Me and Chanyeol are enemies. Ever since I moved to this school, he treated me badly. This is why everyday is a bad day because he ruins it. UGH! Anyways, Mrs Cho Ra arranged us into partners. I had to be with Chanyeol...

"Miss, I want to change please!" I begged.

"No Eunri, you get who you get." she replied.

"Fine." I murmured.

"Haha, loser you're stuck with me now." he laughed

"Shut up you dumb dumb!" I shouted at him.

Luckily nobody heard that since everyone is too busy talking.


"Finally, end of school!" I jumped up and down screaming.

"Yo girl wassup." Jessica appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi, how's school?"

"Not much though... How's life with yoda?" She laughed.

"Terrible I shall say. I'm partners with him for history. And.. can't change.." I sighed.

"Don't worry best bestie! How about I treat you some ice-cream?" She screamed of excitement.

"YAY! Thanks Bestie!" I screamed.

"No problem." she smiled.

"OFF WE GOOOOOO!" I screamed and ran in the hallways.

Since I didn't bring a car because school is only 5 blocks away from my apartment, we decided to use Jessica's Hyundai car.

After 15 minutes, we arrived at the ice-cream shop.

"I'm so excited!" I jumped up and down when we entered the shop.

"Stop getting all excited or else we'll just go back home."

"No no, I'm sorry." I frowned.

"What do you want missy?" she asked me.

"Hmm, I want all of them!" I replied.

"No, you only get to pick one flavour."

"Fine, I want cookies and creams."


After she payed, she waved goodbye and hopped in her car. I opened the wrapping and started to lick it off.

Suddenly, I accidentally bumped into someone since I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, mian-" I paused and looked up and saw..


"You just dropped my ice-cream! You have to buy me another one!" I shouted.

"Hell no, I'm not your slave. And btw, you're the one who bumped into me!"

"I freaking didn't you dumb!"

"But I'm not going to buy you another ice-cream, you buy one yourself." he crossed his arms.

"I won't, until you buy me another ice-cream." I crossed my arms as well.

"Fine, but next time I bump into you, you buy your own ice-cream. Deal?" he said

"Deal." I answered back.

So he went off to buy me another ice-cream.

After 5 minutes, he bought me cookies and ice-cream and shoved it to me."

I Missed You (EXO Chanyeol Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now