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A/N: Inspired by the video Drunk, Stoned or Stupid (Bonus Vlogs) at 3:14 when it is revealed that Sohinki bruises really easily. I asked @AnnabelleLYN_R5 whether she'd be interested in reading this and she said yes. Hope all of you enjoy it.


Joven did a double-take. "What the hell happened to you?"

Sohinki was confused until he looked at where Joven was pointing at. A bruise was blooming on his skin.



"No – don't use that." Sohinki tried to subtly shuffle away from Joven.

"Why not?" Joven asked lightly, shoving the bag of frozen peas against the bruise.

"Because it's unhygienic!"

"It's against your leg, Ma- Sohinki," Joven quickly corrected himself.

Sohinki was too busy fretting about the hygiene – or lack of it – to notice, but he let Joven hold the peas against his leg anyway.


"Sohinki, you have a bruise on your leg," Joven said, pointing to the blue patch blooming on his skin.

Sohinki looked down and swore under his breath.

"Hang on, I'll get you an ice pack."

"No -"

Joven had already run off. Moments later he rushed back in with an ice pack. He held it out for Sohinki to take, though he seemed to be halfway between giving it to him and applying it to Sohinki himself.

Sohinki quickly snatched it away from him. He put it against his bruise. Minutes passed in silence.

Joven still hadn't left.

"Thanks, I guess," Sohinki muttered quietly, almost under his breath.


"What the hell is that?" Sohinki exclaimed in horror, seeing the kind of "ice pack" that Joven eagerly shoved in his face.

"It's a gel pack!" Joven exclaimed excitedly, big grin on his face.

"You know this shit leaks, right?"

"What? Really? Surely they don't. They're like any ice pack."

"No, fuck you. Get me another one."

"No, fuck you! At least give it a go."

"Do we have any other ones?"


"I'm not taking it then."

"I don't want you to have, well, nothing."

"It's better than that thing." Sohinki pointed at the (pink!) gel pack accusingly.

"Aw, just try it."

"I have tried it! When I was a kid my mom bought me one of those stupid gel packs. One day it just broke for no reason and the gel started leaking everywhere."

"Well this one's brand new," Joven insisted, shoving the gel pack onto Sohinki's bruise anyway.

Sohinki sighed, grabbing the pack and holding it against his bruise. He glared at Joven until he went away before turning back to his computer. As much as he hated gel packs, he would not let Joven hold it for him. No way. And maybe this time it wouldn't end up leaking...

Bruised (Jovinki one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now