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Ali's pov

"So you say I can do this?" I ask with hope. "Yes you can." Emily says happy, we've been studying for two hours now. "I need some food." I say, as my stomach growls, making her laugh. "You want me to order pizza?" I shrug. "Sure."

Emily walks away and I'm left by myself, thinking. How is this going to work? Is this a one time thing, are we just going to have sex. Or is it becoming more? I mean we had sex and now I am only in her oversized sweater learning while she's ordering pizza for us while we already had sex. You're the Alison dilaurentis, you're a mother fucking queen. You're fierce. So I'm just going to ask her.

I make my way over the kitchen but when I'm in the hall I hear a voice speak up from behind. "Who are you?" An older woman asks, she scared me. "Alison, who are you?" I ask, not making the connection at how both women look so much alike. But as we speak the other woman, Emily, comes insight. "Here it is mom, and...oh."  

Mom, Ooh great. "Is this your girlfriend, Emmy?" Her mom asks and walks over to me. "Uhm she's uh.." Emily clearly doesn't know what to say, so I speak up. "Nice to meet you miss fields, Emily told me a lot about you." I say trying to sound as happy as possible. "I wish I could say the same." And she glares at Em.

She turns me so that were both looking at Emily and she stands behind me grabbing  my face. "How can you hide such an angel?" Her mom says. Emily blushes and is really embarrassed so I can't help but laugh. "So Em are you going to make some tea, so you can introduce your girlfriend?" Her mom says and drags me to the couch.

I sit there awkwardly trying to make sure she doesn't see my underwear because it is an oversized sweater but I can't say it's that big. "So how did you and my Emmy meet?" She asks. "Uhm at the brew." I say nervously. Emily walks in bringing the tea with and I'm relieved she's not taking too long. "I was just telling how we met at the brew." I inform her so she won't make any mistakes while she puts the tea down. "Oh yeah, great story, but maybe we could tell it another time." Emily says. "Oh no Emily finally you have a beautiful girlfriend and you're going to tell everything." Her mom says.

"I suggest we do it over diner." I blurt out, shocked at my own words. Emily looks horrified at me. Great, what did I put myself into. "Oh I love your girlfriend already, are you free this Friday?" She asks. Emily rolls her eyes. "Yeah I am."

"Oh I didn't mean you darling, I was asking your girlfriend." And Emily rolls her eyes again and I really try not to laugh. Emily sits next to me. "I can make it Friday." I say looking at Emily to know if she approves. She smiles at me making me smile to her in response. I completely forget her mom was her for a second when I hear her speak. "Great, I'll see you Friday." She says standing up and gives me a quick hug. "I'll walk with you." Emily says and they walk to the hall.

Emily's pov
I walk my mom to the door. "So I guess I see you Friday then." I say to my mom. She points her finger at me. "You're coming Em, no way out." I sigh. "We'll be there mom." Is at wishing she could already just go away. "But Emmy serious why did you introduce someone as Paige to us but not that sweetheart?" God can't she just leave? "Because she was my fiancé mom..." I sigh. "Yeah yeah, I already like her more." My mom says and gives me quick hug and walks out. Only if she would know.

I close the door but a pizza man steps in the way. "Your pizzas." he says smiling. "Yeah sure, just let me grab the money." I say trying to match his enthusiasm, but it's not working.

Ali's pov
Em is taking really long and I'm really hungry, I mean school, extra classes, about four rounds of sex and then another hour of studying. So I believe I have every reason to be impatient to get my food. So I make my way over to the kitchen but I see a random boy picking up a photo from table in the hallway. I clear my throat. "Can I help you?" I ask raising my eyebrow, is it always like this that people just keep walking in and out of the apartment. He quickly puts the frame down. "Uhm I'm the pizza guy." He says awkwardly.

"I can see that." I say giving him the Alison dilaurentis attitude and quickly walk over to him. He looks me up and down and this is the second time I feel really uncomfortable in what I'm wearing. He's practically eye fucking me.

"On second thought maybe you can help me with something." He says flashing me a smile. I want to say something but I feel Emily leaning in me from behind and places her head on my shoulder handing the boy the money. I grab the boxes from his hands. "You know if you want my number, we could go out sometimes?" He says and how dumb is he. "How about no." I fake smile. Emily gets in front of me. "Have a goodnight" she says angry and slams the door in his face. Angry.. Was she jealous?

She walks away to the living room and falls down on the couch. "What a great day." She says with sarcasm in her voice. "Well I'll try not to take this personally since you were spending almost the whole day with me." I say putting the pizzas on the table. "I didn't mean it like that." She says. "I know." and smile at her.

"It's just my first day on the new job, where every boy is practically drooling on me." She says and I laugh. "You can't forget the girls." I add and she laughs too. "My mom walked in and now I'm going to diner with her and my 'girlfriend' this Friday and the pizza guy was just hitting on you in front of me." So she was jealous, else it wouldn't matter to her.

If I didn't already feel like a couple, I would feel it now. Or more like a married couple, discussing how our day was. "But one plus is that I have the queen of the school wrapped around my finger." she says grinning. I act surprised. "Oh you don't have me wrapped around your finger." I say. "I don't?" She challenges me. "No more around your dick." I say laughing.

God what am I doing? She really has me wrapped around her finger, I think I'm falling in love. "I uhm I have to go." I say standing up and putting the pizza box in the kitchen. When I walk out I see Emily standing with my bag. And  jeans. "Thank you, for everything." I say. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." And she walks with me to the door. I quickly put my jeans on and shoes. "Yeah tomorrow.." I say back. Should I kiss her? Ugh why not. I lean in and grab her shirt bringing her closer. It was a passionate kiss, my stomach did all these flips. I've never felt like this kissing someone.

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