Chocolate- All (Small One Shots) //Easter special//

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Quick Note: These are individual boyfriend one shots so enjoy! (Excuse the photo, it was the only Easter related one I could find :l)


"Easter isn't all about chocolate, (Y/N)!" Rei complained.

"Yeah but it is a pretty good excuse to eat it without people thinking you are greedy food consumer." You pointed out.

"Yes but I feel that people do not appreciate the real reason for it." Rei sighed.

"A lot of people appreciate it Rei! It does bring a holiday after all! A time to rest, I guess." You reasoned -terribly, causing Rei to groan in frustration.

This time you were the one who sighed, your boyfriend got stressed by the strangest things.

You walked out the room and fetched your cross neckless in an attempt to cheer him up.

Walking back into the room you made you way back to the stressed-out Rei, "Er, Rei can you put this on me, please." You held out the golden neckless with a crucifix cross.

Seeing this a small smile pulled at the edge of his lips as he accepted it.

You sat in front of him, pulling your hair to the side and out the way (if your hair is really short then just roll with it :D) as he clipped the neckless around your neck.

Once he had secured it around your neck, you sat next to him a small grin on your face when you saw he had calmed down, "Better?"

"Better." He smiled back. Taking the chance to peck his cheek, gaining some entertainment from his red flush.

(I don't know why this ended up as a Snickers advert XD Whoops)



The door to your apartment opened and revealed a grinning Rin.

"Something smells burnt." He instantly frowned when he arrived in the kitchen.

"Hey! I haven't burnt anything Baka!" You crossed your arms in a strop.

Letting out a chuckle Rin walked over to you. You were in the middle of cleaning up after making chocolate treats, ready for Easter tomorrow.

"So what are you doing?" He leaned on the counter.

"I'm making chocolate treats for tomorrow, dummy." You huffed.

"So that explains the smell." He grinned.

You mimicked him childishly before putting the treats away to cool down.



You were out shopping with your boyfriend Haru, he was a nightmare at time, especially when you walked passed the fresh fish section. It took you twenty minutes to convince him to move on to the next part of the shopping. You were going to leave him and carry on shopping then pick him up, however you worried that he would buy all the mackerel in the shop if you did.

The two of you were strolling along the shop until you came to the chocolate section, it had now been covered in Easter eggs.

"Oh, how could I forget? It's Easter tomorrow." You smiled and grabbed two.

"Why are you getting that, (Y/N)?" Haru looked into the trolly.

"'Coz it is Easter, obviously!" You cheered.

Haru was against it at first but finally allowed you to buy them.

-le time skip to Easter!-

You settled your Easter egg on your lap, Haru, in suit next to you. You didn't waste time on eating yours while Haru stared at his.

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