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Dean was happy. Happier than he had ever been in his life. Especially after the hell he had been through with his last relationship with Randy Orton. He was so controlling. Possessive. Dean couldn't go anywhere alone. Randy always had to go with him. Even when he would just need to grab something from the nearest convenience store, Randy just had to be there.

Hell, Randy hated it if Dean slipped out to go visit Seth and Roman. Yes, the Shield split but it was only an on screen act. Behind the scenes they were all best friends and let's be honest, Dean just needed a break sometimes from Randy. He was too much sometimes.

Randy did have his sweet loving moments but that was only when he had been cruel verbally to Dean.

There had been two occasions in which Randy had physically put his hands on Dean. Raised a hand to him. The third had been the last. Dean couldn't take it and Roman this time saw the dark bruise to Deans ribcage and black eye. Roman was finally able to get through to Dean and convince him he was worthy of so much more.

He was worthy of a lover who would never ever physically harm him, never physiologically harm him. That next day, with Roman by his side, face to face with Randy, he broke up with that volatile relationship which would have ended up with Dean in hospital or the worst, Dean left dead in a random hotel room. He'd be left for some housekeeper to find.

Dean deserved to live a long, happy life.

Neither knew at that time they would end up together just merely months after. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose would be so happy together. It was perfect. Life was perfect by Romans side. His protector, his everything and Dean was the same for Roman. Life was perfect by Deans side. Dean was his protector, his everything.

Right now, Dean was more than comfortable in Romans loving arms. Romans strong arms cuddling him while watching Dean's film, 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown.

"You seriously are amazing in this you know."
"I'm alright I guess."
"You are more than alright, Dean you rock this role. Come on, this is easily the best WWE studios film that's ever been made."
"Not according to everyone else. It's better than... his... But doesn't touch Cenas with a ten foot pole."
"Funnily enough, not all films need planes crashing, explosions everywhere. Sometimes, like Lockdown, it needs a solid backstory and a perfect wrestler as the lead role to show the world how it's done."
"That ain't me."
"So, who's this guy playing Shaw then? You know, he's pretty hot and you know, he's believable. You believe in what he's doing. Who's playing that dude then?"
"My evil twin."
"Fine, me."
"And who played that role perfectly?"
"There you go. Forget what anyone else says about it, I fucking love this film. It's the best I've ever seen. I'll go on record and say that. Hell, you know what?"
"On Raw. I'm gonna take a fine moment and tell the world how much I love the film and how proud I am of you."
"Rome... please don't."
"I'm gonna do it Dean. You need to believe in yourself more. See what I see in you. Yeah, a guy who's been dealt a shitty hand in life but you know what? He didn't just sit and live with that shitty hand. He pushed and pushed to get out and make something of himself. He did that and he's in my arms right now and I couldn't be prouder or love you more than I do."
"I love you too Rome. After Randy, with everything he did... it's hard ya'know and with how... you know. I don't have all this self confidence. It's hard when all you do is pick out your flaws because it's been drilled in for so long. It's hard to look at something like this film for instance and say, yeah, I'm fucking proud of myself for this. I did a great job. Everyone says it but you find it so hard to actually believe in it yourself."
"We're gonna change that mentality. You should feel better about yourself."
"But first..."
"First what?"
"We need more junk food for the next film."
"We have plent- You ate it all."
"I guess when this film is done, I can head out and get some for my monkey."
"Oh lord, what have I started?"
"Hehe. I'll shower while you're out. If you get back quick enough, we can share."
"Oh? Well I guess I better make sure I move my ass quick."
"I would. Wouldn't want you to miss the show."
"There's going to be a show? How about we skip the junk food and head straight for the shower?"
"Nope big dog. I need to eat."
"I have something you can eat..." Roman smirked.
"You know I do like a good sausage buuuuuut... I am craving more junk food."
"Deeeeeaaaaaaaan.... Why do you tease me like that?"
"Because I'm a bad boy."
"And you need to be punished."
"After you've got the junk food."

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