The Car Shop

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As the sun beams through the curtains in my room I am awaken by its strong light that has casted right into my eyes.
It was Saturday which meant I was off of work and I had no school as well. However, this didn't mean I was going to sit around doing nothing today despite my desire to do so.
I enter the shower and turn on the warm water. About 30-40 minutes later as I'm done showering, brushing my teeth, changing and applying my makeup.
I walk down the stairs to the living room to get my shoes and my father's check book. As I stand at the bottom of the staircase, I look around if he had woken up before me. Which wasn't the case. He had still been asleep in the same place I left him in, on the recliner with drool coming out of his mouth. I decide not to wake him up as he seems pretty comfortable there. All I do is place a blanket over his body in case he was getting cold. I grab my shoes, my dad's keys and check book and am now on the way to the auto and body car shop.
The shop wasn't too unfamiliar to me, so I didn't have a problem locating it within about 10-15 minutes.
As I pull up to the shop, the first face I am greeted with is one of the employees I go to school with.
"Hey Nick" I say to him as my car comes to a stop.
"Hey Bella," He says flashing his green eyes at me. "If you're looking for your car it's all the way at the back of the shop... I think Elijah is working on it."
I nod taking in his directions and step out the car and head to the back of the shop.
I find my car with a man under it with his legs sticking out.
"Excuse me" I try to say loudly.
The man under the car quickly came out from under the car. I look at his face and to my embarrassment, I see an unfamiliar face staring at me in confusion.
"Oh I'm sorry-" I begin to say.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ms. Arabella in the flesh." I hear a voice behind me as I was talking.
I turn around, and am greeted with a pair of hazel brown eyes in which they belonged to Elijah.

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