Chapter 16- I Can't Be

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Chapter 16- I Can't Be

*Three Weeks Later*

-Tara's POV-

I woke up again to more throwing up in the toilet. Ugh. Must of been all the Nandos we ate last night, again. Thanks Niall!

"Tara, are you in there?" Harry asked.

"Uh y-" My throw-up caught me off guard.

"I'm coming in T," He said and I felt him gather up my hair.

"You are being sick again! What do you think the problem is?"

I sat up and flushed the toilet.

"I have no idea, probably because Niall made me eat more Nandos last night!" I said and started to brush my teeth.

"It's just, you don't think you are um, you know pregnant," He said awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

Well that's a possibility I did not think of.

"Well, I hope not. And it's only been two days it could stop any time," I reassured him and his panicked expression softened.

What if I was pregnant though? I mean, we did have sex but he wore a condom. What are the possibilities of that? Well anyway, if I was I wouldn't tell him. I think that would completely mess up his career.

I got dressed into skinny jeans, a blue Rolling Stones tee and blue converse, then tied my hair up into a cute messy bun.

After, I walked into Sam's room to see her crying on her bed.

"Oh babe, what happened?" I asked and sat down next to her.

"I got my period! It hurts so bad," She said, pain in her voice.

"You want some coffee?" I asked and she nodded in response.

I walked in the kitchen and got two mugs out, then poured the milk, hot water and coffee granules in. Stupid periods.

"FUCK!" I shouted and ended up dropping the mugs on the floor. Shit, shit, shit, shit! I always start my period the same time as Sam. Okay, I could just be late, everything is fine!

"Tara, what's going on?" Liam said as he walked into the kitchen- seeing the smashed mugs.

"I think I'm pregnant!" I whispered and started crying.

"What? How do you know?" He asked, starting to panic.

"Well I just guessed because I threw up yesterday and this morning. I missed my um period," I said awkwardly and he took me in for a hug.

"Don't worry, it's not definite. Now help me clean this mess up and I will take you to Starbucks," Liam said and started picking up the shattered mug.

*At Starbucks*

"Can I have a Latte with whipped cream to take, a coffee to take and a bowl of strawberries to take please," I asked the lady behind the counter.

"We don't sell strawberries," She replied. Shit is going down!

"Well what is in that bag over there?" I sassed back.

"They are just toppings, we don't sell them,"

"I WANT THE STRAWBERRIES!" I shouted back and Liam rushed over.

"Hey, hey. What is the problem?" He asked me.

"She won't give me the strawberries!"

"Um, sorry but I will give you twenty dollars for your strawberries," Liam said with a sigh.

Difficult Decisions- Niall VS Harry FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora