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     Day in and day out Mira sat by Mako's side as he studied and learned from the resources available to them. Tomes and old script, books of record, journals, diaries and all sorts of documentation from decades of collective knowledge on elements, potions, casts, and various other things. All of which Mako felt to eager to learn about. Though it all came so easily to him, it was as though he was simply refreshing his memory.

Book after parchment after scroll, Mako devoured the information. Practicing it. Making potions or attempting to wield the basic elements. Many days there was no results but other days there was imply not enough time for learning it all. 

"MAKO WAIT NO!!!", Mira attempted to stop Mako from starting a fire but it was a bit late as the fire quickly grew large with a small combustion, sending him rolling on his side a few feet backwards.

"MAKO! Mako are you alright?!" Mira rushed to his side worried. Though her worries were misplaced as Mako rolled over laughing with a cough releasing a small black cloud from his mouth. The two fell into a fit of laughter as the cleaned up the aftermath of a burned potted plant. It was only a small bit of damage.

The training continued and soon there was no more Mako could learn from the books Mira had in her possession and soon she was contacting her master for more. He was pleased with his progress for the knowledge of all this literature but he was displeased to hear from Mira that he simply did not excel in wielding any of the core elements successfully. Though a mere understanding for it all was great He had hoped that Mako would indeed excel in the application of his knowledge. 

It was duly noted that Mako's main capabilities lie with his own strength. Speed, stamina, strength, and the will to do more than what was needed were what defined him. But that's not to say that he did not have some capabilities with his newly attained knowledge.

Dark clouds covered the skies though no rain fell. The patch on the floor where a mother fox lay with one of her young, had all but be covered in grass now though a solitary post lie in the field to mark its place. Two kits had survived and though they were small and without there mother, with the help of Mira and Mako they were growing well.

Mako sat on the porch with the two kits in sight in front of his house. They trot around near the grave marker as though they knew just what lay below. They had grown a lot since the mother had passed. It had been roughly six months time and the kits grew along with Mako as he studied up. Soon, to Mako's disliking they would likely leave seeing as they already came and went as they pleased. He had grown rather fond of the pair and he cared for them deeply.

A feeling that cut deep as Mako saw a flicker of light in the forest. A sharp hi pitch whistle came from the cover of the trees as one of the foxes hit the floor without a sound. Startled the other ran off and hid in a nearby patch of tall grass that fled into the trees that wrap around the whole area. 

Standing Mako rushed towards where his companion lay on the floor. when arriving the fox lay on the floor panting for breath. Shortly after however its body fell limp in his arms. Three of the Four now share the  same final resting ground.

-----Raido static sounds close to the forest edge-----

"Target in sight, target in sight! DO WE ENGAGE?!" the voice was that of a male. Late in age though not to old. Nor was he to wise as his voice reached Mako's ears


Mako stood fast and made slow steady steps to the edge of the trees. Each step of the way obtaining better visual of the man who lingered in the darkness of the trees shadows. 

"REPEAT PERMISSION TO ENGAGE?! PERMISSION TO....OH FUCK THIS". The man rose from a kneeling position as he began to flee. Taking notice Mako began a slow pace walking in the mans direction. Slowly his pace quickened. Tears fell from his eyes, his heart rot with pain. Quicker still he began to move, nearing a full sprint.

"ABORTING MISSION, I REPEAT, SIR I AM ABORTING MIS...OH SHIT!!!!" Mira came out the house to witness the screaming man as he fled along side the treeline with Mako following suit. He wore all black with a wrap to mask his face. A small rod was attached to his leg's side and with his weapon in hand he dropped his radio.

Throwing his weapon aside he left himself defenseless for the trade of of hoping for speed. However the gap was closing fast. The man ran and screamed obscenities as he looked over his shoulder. Mako was nearly on him. 

'You-You will PAY! You will pay for WHAT... YOU... HAVE... DONE!!!'  Mako's Voice sounded in  the man's head as a quick flash passed his side. Looking back the man stopped seeing that mako was no longer behind him.

The air went cold.

The hairs on the mans arm stood on end and a chill worked its way up his spine. All light let in through the clouds suddenly began to dim as the skies grew thick with black cover. Lightning flashed and Thunder cracked. A small breeze passed and the man drew his weapon from where it rested on his leg. Trying to be prepared the man slowly turned and backed in towards the forest. 

Producing a porting orb from his pocket he commanded it, "OPEN!"

Dropping his hand the orb once again sat in the air as it was supposed to. However it did not grow. Instead it began to smoke and shine. It grew red with color before vaporizing and leaving nothing remaining of it. 

The man dropped to his knees in defeat. 

"I don't know who you are." Mako's voice came from an unknown direction audible to the common ear. 
"Where are you!? Show yourself you freak." The man was in tears as he frantically looked around seeing nothing but the dense cover of trees which he once sought as a cover.

"I don't know what brought you here". Again Mako called to the man from no line of sight.


"But you will...not... LEAVE!!!" In the  corner of the man's eye, the slight passing of a blurred figure could be seen. At which he threw his small weapon. A club of sorts though thin and strong. It hit nothing but air as it sailed out of reach into a bush somewhere. 

Once again the shiver ran up the man's spine. And the blood drained from his face as a presence could be felt from behind him. All things fell silent as Mako spoke to him in a hushed voice.

"And your going to die here." Mako placed his hands on the mans neck and head. He froze in place, his breath catching in his throat.  And shortly after fell to his knees.

A ringing sounded in the mans ears as he lay limp on the floor. He was no dead.

Mira could be seen in through clouded eyes filled with tears as she commanded a porting orb to open and threw it to the mans side. In her other hand she carried a book which she closed and dropped to the floor walking to Mako's side. 

Me lay lip on the floor eyes caught open. 

"Neither of you are dead and yet your the only one lucky to be alive. If your not gone in the next five seconds i will personally see to it you are sentenced to death by the high council.

The man wasted no time and crawled into the now fully formed porting orb. Mira stretched her arm out and commanded it once more.

"Close." The Portal faded and the orb dropped form its place of suspension in the air.

She had mad it just in time.

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