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They speak harsh words behind my back,
and think that it's okay!
WHEN as a matter of fact,
Their words feel like the crack of a whip against my fragile skin.

Will break, breaking, BROKEN.
This all happened because of the words spoken.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll find some valuable token in all this mess,
That will help me speak these words that remain unspoken.

All these words leave me standing in mass fear,
And if I simply think of them,
My eyes will fill with tears.
But look at me now, I just faced my fears.

I got rejected from the conversation,
Even though I started it.
Instead of collapsing and apologizing,
You laughed in my face and pushed me away, back towards my fears.

Will break...breaking...broken...
Now these words have been spoken.
But they did not help erase my fears,
And brought me to tears.

Harsh WordsWhere stories live. Discover now