Chapter 28-you are next my love..

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Hey guys what is up!! So since I was bored so I'm writing a another chapter and back to the story!

the next day I woke up super early I don't know why maybe I slept since it was cold on a summer day I was wondering if my air conditioner was on too much so I got my big llama sweater and had my black pj pants so I made a hot chocolate and sat on a couch with a blanket and was using my phone.

I was just checking my Instagram and took a picture of me saying "why am I up so early" and checked my snapchat then I was reading a book on my phone until I hear a thumping noise.

Aria-ah! What the?

I calmed down since it was just me hearing noises i continued to use my phone and sip my hot chocolate until I heard a stomp.

Aria-what the f***

I got up and walked slowly to the door and got a pan case if someone would attack me I went slowly to the door and had my hand on the knob and counted to 3


I opened my door very fast and saw no one was there, I looked down and saw an envelope in black.

Aria-a letter wonder who would it be?

I went back inside and sat back on the couch I wrapped myself in the blanket and the note said...

Dear Aria,
Hi my love you are next I been watching you for the next few days I'm coming to get you will be my prisoner.


When I read the note I started to shake next I was holding my hot chocolate and dropped the mug I heard it clash and all the glass was on the floor then I fell and cut myself with the glass then I turned pale and was breathing fast tears started rushing in my eyes quickly then I turned white and I stopped breathing and fainted.

Ashton-Aria-*gasps* oh s*** what the hell! I'm calling 911

Ashton-Aria! Aria! WAKE UP

I heard Ashton screaming and crying sadly I couldn't do anything about it I just layed there doing nothing

Ashton-Oh crap! She's not breathing and is very white

Suddenly I hear the sirens it was the ambulance and then people came in and took me inside the ambulance and Ashton was worried inside holding my hand and taking care of me I never had this kind of panic attack before I had a panic attack when I was 7 years old and so on This was probably the worst one I ever had and all that kept on popping in my head was that note...

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed that chapter I felt that was shortish I dunno but I hope you enjoyed it anyway bye loves! ;)

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