Chapter 5: A Daring Escape

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Disclaimer: D. Gabaldon owns all rights to Outlander                Banner by LOS

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The man, supposedly named Rufus, was a big brute. He walked into the cell carrying a sledge hammer. It wasn't too difficult to surmise that it was to pound the pegs into the iron cuffs for placement of the padlocks. In a panic now, Frank quickly devised a plan. He widened his eyes as in shock, looking at the man's feet.

"A rat!"

The man didn't appear to be too bright. "Where? I don't see one."

Frank pointed. "Behind you."

Rufus looked down behind him, giving Frank the chance to swing both fists to the back of the man's neck, and he fell forward, hitting his head on the stone tiles. Rufus was out for the count. He then removed the keys from the man's belt, and picked up the hammer to use as a weapon if needed. He immediately exited the room, and locked it behind him.

Frank had been within the walls of Fort William several times in his own era, and had more than an inkling of all the various door locations. He was out the one at the rear, and running for his life before any alarm could be sounded. Miraculously, he managed to avoid contact with any of the guards. Much too complacent, he thought, yet grateful for their laxity. He wouldn't wish to be in their boots when Captain Randall discovered his prize had escaped.

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No sooner had the Watch concluded their meeting with the Captain, when Leftenant Hill rapped at the door post, and peered inside. "May I?"

"What is it, Hill? Interruption after interruption ... Can't a man have a moment of peace in his own blasted headquarters?"

Hill cleared his throat, and swallowed, nervously. He stepped forward. "Excuse me, sir, but I deemed this to be of interest to you." The leftenant placed the seal in Randall's palm.

The captain blinked in astonishment. "Where, may I ask, did you come by this?"

"It was in the pocket of that chap we brought to you today."

Randall abruptly sat down behind his desk, and rummaged through a drawer, drawing out his seal. His brows knit in confusion. "Curiouser and curiouser. They're unquestionably identical."

He waved the leftenant away. "What are you doing? Don't just stand there, man. Get one of the guards to bring the prisoner here. I want answers. Now!"

Staring back and forth between the two objects, he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. How was it possible? This was his own personal seal. It never left this room, and yet here was an exact copy that was found in the possession of the spy in the peculiar looking clothes.

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The Leftenant and a guard returned a few minutes later. Randall looked up, annoyed that the prisoner was nowhere to be seen. "Well, were is he? Why haven't you brought him?"

The guard glanced at the leftenant, and explained, "Sorry sir. I don't know how it happened, but we found the cell empty except for Rufus. The spy was gone, and Rufus was laid out cold."

Placing the seals side by side on his blotter, the captain stared up at the corbelled ceiling. "Gah! I am surrounded by blithering idiots." He struck his fist hard on the surface of his desk, sending the documents he was reading previously flying off, and landing on the floor. "Rufus—that incompetent fool. I'll have his head for this. Perhaps I should have the oaf fetter himself for his complete lack of common sense.

A Voice from the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora