Slendy Claus

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SUMMARY: Sky had learned early that the holidays were a little different with the Slender man. Her mother had always said, it wasn't Christmas with the family unless you were miserable. Well, Sky was quite enjoying herself, but she had a feeling Slendy wasn't going to be able to take much more of his brothers...

TIMELINE: Post Slender Child

GENRE: Family/ Humor

NOTES: Eh, I know it's not Christmas. Who cares! Please enjoy a little bit of holiday fluff ^^

"And I want a princess Barbie doll, and a kitten, and some pretty dress up clothes..."

I stood over to the side of the packed mall set up, leaning against a cotton "snow" covered fence rail that had been set up right in the center of the place. The fence itself surrounded a bright, colorful rendering of a child's fantasy of the North Pole, where a long line of children stood anxiously with their parents, awaiting the chance to tell Santa everything they wanted for Christmas. Currently, my five year old daughter was on Santa's lap, eagerly asking for everything short of the moon and stars.

"And I want a big fluffy unicorn, and an American Girl doll, and a some Legos..."

As Robin's list went on, I heard an unexpected chuckle beside me. "Our little one would ask for the world if she thought she could get it, wouldn't she?"

I turned to look at the very tale man who had appeared leaning on the fence next to me, his face hidden beneath the cowl of his hoodie - or his lack of face rather. "You'd give her the world if you could, wouldn't you?" I smiled.

He shook his head in amusement. "The world isn't a particularly nice place. I think I'd try to give her something better than that."

I had to laugh at that. "So what are you doing here anyway? If I'm remembering correctly, you fought Splendy tooth and nail to get out of coming Christmas shopping with us."

Slendy made an act of shuddering and looked around hastily. "Where are those two anyway? Nowhere nearby I hope," he mumbled quietly.

Playfully, I shoved him. "Oh come one, it's the holidays, you can get along with your brothers for a little while can't you?"

"Where are they, Sky?"

I rolled my eyes. "They're still shopping. I told them I was taking Robin to see Santa so they could pick out what they wanted to get her."

"You know if we leave now, we wont have to deal with them for at least a couple hours. By the time they realize you're not in the mall anymore we could have already gotten home and put Robin down for a nap," he said mischievously, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me against his side. "We could get a little... alone time perhaps," he whispered, nuzzling my hair.

"Slendy!" I giggled, blushing cardinal red and half heartedly pushing away from him. "We're in public!"

"They can look if they want to," he said, amused.

"There are children here!"

"I'm not doing anything wrong."


He laughed and let go of my waist, only to grab my hand instead. "Fine, if you insist."

Robin came skipping towards us at that moment, having apparently finished talking the poor bearded man's ear off. "Daddy!" she squeaked, her high pixie voice sounding through the noisy mall. "When did you get here?"

The Operator scooped his daughter up in his other arm and grinned at her. "I just got here little one. Did you have fun talking to Santa?"

"Yes! I told him everything I wanted. He said if I'm very good, he'd see what he could do, so I'm going to be extra good till Christmas!" she exclaimed excitedly.

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