Chapter One

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(quick authors note, I'm not using the actors actual ages :) so don't get confused )


I was nervous. Anyone in their right mind would be nervous to walk the red carpet with their famous boyfriend, into a premiere, filled with photographers, celebs, and critiques. None of which I was.

"Does this look okay?" I huffed, asking my boyfriend, Sebastian. Looking at my appearance in the mirror, I smoothed down my red gown.

"Yes," he breathed, his hands caressing my waist. "You look breathtaking." He smiled, and pulled me in for a kiss.

Sebastian Stan; my wonderful boyfriend of six months, asked me to accompany him to the premiere of the new movie Batman vs. Superman, and of course I agreed.

He knew I was nervous and that it would be overwhelming for me. He'd introduce me to all these celebrities and I'd probably stand there and make a fool of myself.

I wasn't famous or anything, I was a dancer and singer, twenty-eight years old. I had been dancing and singing since I was five years old; it was my career. And I absolutely loved to paint and draw, so I guess you could call me an artist.

"Are you sure this is okay, I mean-"

"Valerie, you look fine." Sebastian assured me, pulled me out the door of my apartment.

.                                .                                .

"Sebastian! Over here!" Paparazzi yelled, hovering by us on our way to the carpet. "Valerie, how are you and Sebastian?" One yelled, and my head snapped to Sebastian.

"They know my name." I gasped, and he laughed.

"But of course, you're my girlfriend," He laughed again.

Celebrities we exiting the cars and limos and we're making their way towards the red carpet along with us. My heart sped up, as I saw it come into view. Bright flashes coming from the area.

Before I could object, Sebastian and I were stepping on the red carpet, and all I could do was stand there, shocked.

"Smile, babe," Sebastian reminded me, and I did as I was told.

The flashes from their cameras blinded me, but I smiled anyway, and then eventually, the paparazzi moved onto other stars.

"Hey," Sebastian interjected. "I want to introduce you to my friends." He pulled me over to a group of men and he called, "Henry! Armie! Ben!"

One of the men turned around, and my heart stopped.

"Val?" He asked, smiling and stepping towards me. "Valerie Rogers?" He questioned again, and I nodded.

"H-Henry," I breathed, and he pulled me in for a hug. "Long time no see," He laughed, pulling away.

"You two know each other?" Sebastian asked, and we both nodded. "We used to live by each other when I lived in Jersey," I explained, and he nodded.

"Well, good. You two catch up, I'll be right back, I see Chris." Sebastian exclaimed, taking off into the other direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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