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The saying chimed in my head like a nonstop alarm. "Perfect practice makes perfect, perfect practice makes perfect." Again and again it rang, pushing me harder and harder to continue. One more shot and I'll get more time... One more shot and I'll play varsity.... One more shot and I will succeed... "Keep pushing, keep moving.... Practice, practice, practice." this time I said it out loud, my voice carrying throughout the empty gymnasium. Ball to the ground and then swish, in to the net; those are the only other sounds I heard. Hours and hours on end I give to this sport; this reason to live. Again and again for days I continue. I will be the best, I will not be beaten. Nothing can stop me now. I'm better, I keep succeeding. This is what I've always wanted. This dream has came true. Hard work, practice. Perfect practice makes perfect. I can do it. I will succeed.

Jody C.


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