Chapter 1

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The light bounces of my face as I scroll through my tv for something interesting to watch. I reach over to rub my choclate lab's fluffy ears and she flopped her head onto my chest.
    "My pretty little Luna." I whisper and kiss her wet nose. She licks my face and I smile at her tilted head. Returning my interest back to the tv I settle for a rewatch and click on Fast Five. Before pressing play I swing my legs over my bed and wobble into the kitchen. Finding nothing in the fridge I settle for a water bottle which will soon be added to the many already in my room. Finally having my balance I glance down my parents hallway to see the door closed and the lights off. I push the stray hairs out of my face before returning to my room and closing my door quietly. Luna lifts her head for a moment before setting it back down. My curly untamed hair was hardly contained in its bun as looked in the mirror.
    "Ugh." I grunt looking at my face before checking the time on my phone. 4:27 am yet I still cant sleep. Of course.
Scrolling through my Instagram feed I finally press play on my movie. The familiar notification of a text sounds through my room and I glance at the sender. It's my best friend, Wesley, I often call him Lee. One thing you may learn about me is I tend to be unique, instead of a classic 'Wes' I stuck with Lee.

Wesley: hey you up?

I smile softly because this is typical Wesley, always up late and wanting an adventure. He texts me around this time almost everyday, and he knows im awake.

Me: Yes im up, why?

Finally paying attention to the movie again I await a response. My phone dings once more and I reach for it.

Wesley: Just meet me outside im in the mood for some FUN

Oh. So I may have forgotten to mention Lee lives a few houses down from me. I groan but pull on the some jeans and an oversized shirt. Slipping on whatever shoes were closest I turn my tv off and head out of my room. I poked back in and unplugged my phone, and then continued through my house.  Cant forget that. I check my parents room once more begore slipping out the front door and grabbing my house keys. It was late June, the beginning of my summer before senior year of high school. I tuck my hands in to my pockets and make my way to the end of the driveway. I saw some beat up converse emerge from the dark before I see all of Wesley. His dark brown hair was dusted light brown, and shorter in the back and the sides. He had a sharp jaw and a sweet smile that was always showing. He pulled out his arms from his gray sweatshirt asking for a hug. That sweet smile I mentioned was now greeting me and I walked into his arms. He squeezed me and lifted me up.

   "Vanessa!" he greeted, and I gave a sheepish smile.

   "Yeah yeah I'm here, now what's the plan?" I urged and he released me. Gesturing for me to follow him to his truck I jog ahead of him and wait.
   "What's the hurry, love?" he chuckled at his cheesy accent, and I rolled my eyes with a smile before climbing in.
   "Let's roll, I've got a movie and a fluffy dog waiting on me." I stated and Lee raised and eyebrow before starting his truck. He turned on the radio to find all the stations were on commercial before switching it off. He gasped all of the sudden, and dived into his routine story about this girl he's in to. I've known Wesley since we were in elementary together and shortly after we became best friends he started telling me stories about this girl he likes. The way he describes her is so beautiful, but he refuses to tell me who it is.
   "Nessa you have no idea how she makes my heart race, I just wish I could express my feelings to her."

   "Well if you were to actually tell me who it is maybe I could help..." I tried and he gave a throaty laugh.

   "Nice try Nessa, but we're here. Let's go!" he pulled the keys out of the ignition and left the truck. I groaned at my failed attempt to solve the mystery, but joined Wesley anyway. I looked around to see we were at the summer carnival except it wasn't opened.
   "Wesley James Green! You can't expect us to go in there." I exclaimed and crossed my arms.

   "Oh we're going in there alright." he didn't try to hide the devious smile as he tugged me towards it. He ducked under the gate and I hesitantly followed his lead. We made our way past the ferris wheel, the carousel and the restraunts. The lights switched on for the ride in front of us. Bumper cars....

   "Are you serious?" I said between laughs, "Do i even want to know how you managed to make this work?"

   "Nope. Just enjoy the fun."


So hey guys! My 3rd attempt at a succesful book let's see how it goes?

Let me know what you think?


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