Mileena Vs. Kung Lao New Intros

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Intro #1:

Mileena: You're better at fighting than Liu Kang

Kung Lao: I think you only say that because you're jealous, Kitana, is going out with him

Mileena: Okay, you probably caught me

Intro #2:

Mileena: You must help get me, Outworld's Throne

Kung Lao: I don't have, too, if I don't feel like it

Mileena: Then, I shall help you become better at Kombat than Liu Kang

Intro #3:

Kung Lao: Kitana, you come to meet, Liu Kang

Mileena: I would like to meet and eat him

Kung Lao: Mileena, never mind, it is you

Intro #4:

Kung Lao: Come here to eat some of our monks

Mileena: And you, too

Kung Lao: Not after I kill you with my hat

Intro #5 (Revenant Costume):

Mileena: Sure, you must know that my sister and Liu Kang are now, Emperor and Empress of Outworld

Kung Lao (Revenant): Yes, but you surely must be jealous of your, sister, since you're not, Empress of                                              Outworld, yet

Mileena: Nope, it's just my realm is better than hers

Intro #6 (Revenant Costume):

Kung Lao (Revenant): Come and join us, and you can be, Princess of Netherrealm

Mileena: I wanna be, Empress of Netherrealm instead

Kung Lao (Revenant): The place is took by your sister

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